dean&david Wuerzburg Maulhard


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At dean&david, we set standards. For real change and a better future. Since our founding in 2007, our mission has been to make the world a little bit better - by enabling more and more people to eat fresh, healthy, natural and yet fast. Without flavor enhancers, colorants and preservatives. Instead: healthy food and high-quality ingredients for sustainable nutrition! That is our claim. Every day. Every meal. Real change for a better future. CHANGE FOR BETTER.


Maulhardgasse 11

97070 Würzburg

See map

Delivery times

Monday10:30–14:45, 16:00–19:30
Tuesday10:30–14:45, 16:00–19:30
Wednesday10:30–14:45, 16:00–19:30
Thursday10:30–14:45, 16:00–19:30
Friday10:30–14:45, 16:00–19:30

More information

Prices include VAT (excluding additional shipping costs that may apply).