بيتزا - ريشون لتسيون ومنطقة هاشفيلا
Fresh Pizza
No One Outpizzas the Hut
Pizza • Pasta • Salad
Celebrate Italy 🇮🇹
Local brasserie
Pizzeria & Italian Restaurant
Just Can't Say No
Baked Goods
Authentic italian restaurant
Italian by Cafe Greg
Fresh and Colourful Chef's Kitchen
Bar & Cafe
Fresh Pizza
Asaf's Pizza Bar
Pizza | Pasta | Salad
What a piece of pizza! Kosher - Cheif Rabbinate Of Rehovot
Crispy chef's pizza
Flavors of the market Kosher Badatz
Pizza Hollywood 🎬 | Kosher Landa
Italian Corner
Israeli pizza
Pizzeria | Kosher Edah HaChareidis Badatz & Landau
Fresh pizza from the oven 🔥
No One Outpizzas the Hut | Kosher
Fresh Pizza
Fresh Pizza
Fresh Pizza
Pizza | Salads | Pastries
Crispy chef's pizza
Fresh Pizza
Italian Restaurant
Delivery & Customer Support by Domino's Pizza
Magical Garden
Local Pizzeria
Italian Street Food Kosher
Pizza, Pasta & Salads
Pizza | Pasta | Salads
Italian Cuisine
Family Pizzeria
Pizza | Italian Restaurant | Kosher Rabbinite Rehovot
Wonderful Pizza Experience
Street Neapolitan Pizza
Pioneer Neapolitan Pizza
Italian Food Bar
Pizza & Pasta | Kosher Lemhadrin chief rabbinate Rehovot
Italian Restaurant
Pizza, Salads & Pasta