Asia Markt

Asia Markt - Exotische Kostbarkeiten

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  • Ausverkauft
3,69 €

KIMMY Gewürzter Seetang Nori mit Kimchi 21,6g

22 g167,73 €/kg
  • Beliebt
3,39 €

Jongga Mat Kimchi 200g

200 g16,95 €/kg
2,69 €

Treiber Tofu Tofu Natur 550g

550 g4,89 €/kg
2,29 €

Unicurd Seidentofu 300g

300 g7,63 €/kg
3,49 €

Treiber Tofu Sezuantofu Chili Scharf 200g

200 g17,45 €/kg
3,49 €

Treiber Tofu Gebackener Tofu Fluffig 250g

250 g13,96 €/kg
2,49 €

Mao Xiong Frische King Oyster Pilze 150g

150 g16,60 €/kg
  • Ausverkauft
3,79 €

Maoxiong Shiitake Pilze 150g

150 g25,27 €/kg
3,29 €

Eaglobe Rote Datteln ohne Kern 200g

200 g16,45 €/kg
3,49 €

Wachteleier 12 Stück

120 g29,08 €/kg
3,59 €

Kwangcheon Knusprige & Würzige Algen 40g

40 g89,75 €/kg
3,59 €

Kwangcheon Knuspriger Seetang BBQ-Geschmack 40g

40 g89,75 €/kg

Asia Markt is store that offers a diverse range of products from Asia, brimming with exotic treasures. From delectable spices and teas to tasty food, explore the vibrant flavors and rich cultural heritage of the Asian continent from the comfort of your home. Embark on a delightful journey of discovery as you immerse yourself in the captivating allure of Asia's finest offerings through Asia Markt. Verkäufer: Firma: Wolt Enterprises Deutschland GmbH, Anschrift: Stralauer Allee 6, 10245 Berlin, Vertretungsberechtigter: Bassel Soukar, Handelsregisternummer: HRB 217122 B, Registergericht: Amtsgericht Charlottenburg, E-Mail:

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