Suitable only for adults
OTRIMER nasal spray is a 100% natural isotonic seawater solution without preservatives.
Cleanses and moisturizes the nose in a natural way, facilitating nasal breathing.
Natural, non-medicinal Solution, easy to use
It has disinfectant and soothing properties
Clears the blocked nose in case of nasal congestion due to cold or allergy
Moisturizes the inside of the nose
Relieves irritations and nasal dryness
OTRIMER is recommended to:
Clears the nasal cavities in case of stuffy nose, for example in case of cold or allergy, removing excess mucus or allergenic particles, such as dust or pollen.
Moisturizes the nasal mucosa, when it is dry or irritated in case of slight nasal irritations or due to low humidity (for example due to heating / air conditioning of rooms, high altitude, air travel)