Family Restaurant Pizzeria

Pizza love never ends!


Margarita Pizza

ALL 250

Ham Pizza

ALL 300

Pizza Bianca

ALL 250

Spicy Pizza 🌶️

ALL 330

Pizza Diavola 🌶️

ALL 330

Pizza 4 Cheeses

ALL 330

Ham Mushroom Pizza

ALL 330

Sujuk Pizza

ALL 330

Vegetarian Pizza

ALL 330

Tuna Pizza

ALL 330

Tuna Mushroom Pizza

ALL 330

Capricious Pizza

ALL 330

Philadelphia Truffle Pizza

ALL 330

Red Chicken Barbeque Pizza

ALL 330

Pizza 4 Seasons

ALL 330

White Chicken Pizza

ALL 330

Nache Pizza

ALL 330

Pizza Ala Crema

ALL 330

Pizza Sere Nere

ALL 330

Pizza Primavera

ALL 330

Pizza Family

ALL 330

Pizza Flower

Milk cream, mozzarella, broccoli, eggplant, cauliflower, zucchini

ALL 330

Hawaiian Pizza

Red sauce, mozzarella, beef ham, pineapple

ALL 330

Spinach & Egg Pizza

Mozzarella, tomato sauce, gorgonzola, garlic, egg

ALL 330

Pizza with French Fries

Mozzarella, sauce, french fries, wudy

ALL 330


Sandwich Village

Mayonnaise, white cheese, tomato, pepper

ALL 180

Vegetarian Sandwich

Mayonnaise, tomato, pepper, mushroom, olives, cucumber, mozzarella cheese

ALL 170

Ham Sandwich

Mayonnaise, mozzarella, tomato, pepper, olives

ALL 200

Spicy Sandwich 🌶️

Mayonnaise, mozzarella, spicy salami, pepper, tomato, olives

ALL 170

Tuna Sandwich

Mayonnaise, mozzarella, tomato, onion, tuna, olives

ALL 200

Ham Mushroom Sandwich

Mayonnaise, mozzarella, chicken fillet, corn, green salad, tomato

ALL 200

Chicken Fillet Sandwich

Mayonnaise, mozzarella, chicken fillet, corn, green salad, tomato

ALL 220

4 Cheese Sandwich

Mozzarella cheese, gouda, grana white gorgonzola

ALL 180

Spicy 4 Cheese Sandwich 🌶️

Mozzarella, gouda, white grana, spicy sausage

ALL 220

Sandwich Mix 🌶️

Mayonnaise, mozzarella, spicy, gorgonzola, tuna, peppers, tomatoes, olives, mushrooms

ALL 250

Piadina Romagnola

Mayonnaise or cream cheese, pita, arugula or green salad, tomato, bacon

ALL 200

Toast Oven

Ham, mozzarella cheese

ALL 100


Ham & Cheese Calzone

ALL 150

Vegetarian Calzone

ALL 470

Tuna Calzone

ALL 220

Tuna & Mushroom Calzone

ALL 220


Crepe Lunch

ALL 180

Crepe Nani

ALL 180

Crepes 4 Cheeses

ALL 220

Chicken Crepe

ALL 220

Crepe Ala Cream

ALL 220

Fresh Chicken Crepes

ALL 260

Krep Village

ALL 200

Mexican Crepe

ALL 220

Crepe Light

ALL 250

Family Salty Crepe

ALL 300


Dark Chocolate Crepe

ALL 110

Nutella Crepes

ALL 130

Crepe Lydia

ALL 160

Crepe Lydia with Nutella

ALL 180

Apple Crepe

ALL 150

Kiwi Crepe

ALL 180

Crepe Nutella Banana Strawberry

ALL 250

Strawberry Crepe

ALL 200

Crepe Forest

ALL 180

Crepe Crunch

ALL 180

Sweet Family Crepe

ALL 300

Crepe Pana Biscuits

ALL 150

White Chocolate Crepe

ALL 120

M&M Crepes

ALL 200

Crepe Disarono

ALL 200

Malibu Crepe

ALL 200


Village salad

Tomato, cucumber, olives, country cheese, onion

ALL 250

Arugula salad

Arugula, pomodorini, apple, parmigianio, balsamic cream

ALL 350

Caesar salad

Iceberg salad, green salad, cubed bread, chicken fillet, corn, sauce

ALL 350

Family salad

Iceberg salad, avocado, olives, orange, onion, chicken

ALL 400


Chicken soup

ALL 250

Vegetable soup

ALL 250

Soup of the day

ALL 250


Tomato sauce spaghetti

ALL 250

Spaghetti with garlic oil and chili pepper

ALL 250

Spaghetti sauce & tuna

ALL 350

Spaghetti pomodorini & basil

ALL 300

Spaghetti with chicken & vegetables

ALL 350

Penne arrabiatta

ALL 350

Penne with vegetables and chicken

ALL 350

Pene 4 cheeses

ALL 350

Chicken and mushroom penne

ALL 350

Penne panna bacon mushroom

ALL 400

Butter ravioli

ALL 300

Tomato cream ravioli

ALL 400

Truffle ravioli

ALL 400

Ravioli 4 cheeses

ALL 400

Truffle risotto

ALL 400

Vegetable risotto

ALL 300

Risotto with chicken and mushrooms

ALL 350

risotto with chicken and vegetables

ALL 350


Chicken fillet

ALL 300

Grilled chicken fillet

ALL 300

Mustard chicken fillet

ALL 300

Wine and lemon chicken escallop

ALL 400

Escalope chicken pana and mushrooms

ALL 500

Chicken gorgonzola escalope

ALL 500

Grilled beef filet

ALL 700

Wine and lemon beef escalope

ALL 700

Beef escalope gorgonzola

ALL 700

Fried offal

ALL 500

Pizza love never ends!

See similar venues


Administrative Unit Nr.7, Str. Artan Lenja, Pallati Nr.17, Kati 1

1001 Tirana

See map

Delivery times
