Next Pizza

A little slice of heaven!


Pizza Margherita

Sauce, mozzarella, oregano, sesame

ALL 350

Ham Mushroom Pizza

Sauce, mozzarella, ham, mushroom, sesame, oregano

ALL 450

Caprichoza Pizza

Sauce, ham, mushrooms, sesame, peppers, olives

ALL 500

Pizza Diavola 🌶️

Sauce, mozzarella, sausage, oregano, sesame

ALL 450

Spicy Salami Pizza 🌶️

Sauce, oregano, mozzarella, spicy salami, sesame

ALL 450

Vegetarian Pizza

Sauce, mozzarella, mushrooms, peppers, olives, oregano, tomatoes, carrots, eggplant, sesame

ALL 500

Fillet Pizza

Sauce, mozzarella, chicken fillet, sesame

ALL 550

Pizza La Crema

Pana, mozzarella, ham, mushroom, sujuk, sesame

ALL 550


Mixed Pizza

Sauce, mozzarella, ham, sausage, sesame, mushrooms, peppers, olives, tomatoes

ALL 550

Pizza 4 Cheeses Sausage

Sauce, mozzarella, gouda, gorgonzola, white cheese, sesame

ALL 500

Pizza 4 Cheeses

Sauce, mozzarella, gouda, gorgonzola, cheese, sesame

ALL 450

Next Pizza

Sauce, mozzarella, fillet, arugula, pomodorini, parmigiano, aceto, sesame

ALL 600

Verdura Pizza

Sauce, mozzarella, mushroom, onion, corn, tomato, olives, zucchini, eggplant, carrot, sesame

ALL 550

Ham Salami Pizza

Sauce, mozzarella, ham, salami, sesame

ALL 450

Pizza Tonata

Sauce, mozzarella, tuna, oregano, onion, lemon, sesame

ALL 500

Swiss Pizza

Sauce, mozzarella, sesame, smoked sausage, oregano

ALL 500

Pizza 4 Seasons

Sauce, mozzarella, ham, salami, sesame, tuna, mushroom

ALL 500

Caprese Pizza

Mozzarella, panna, ham, mushroom, sesame

ALL 500

Oriental Pizza

Sauce, mozzarella, oregano, gouda, sujuk, sesame, peppers, tomatoes

ALL 500

Woody's Pizza

Sauce, mozzarella, hot dog, sesame, oregano

ALL 450

Tuna Mushroom Pizza

Sauce, mozzarella, tuna, oregano, mushroom, sesame

ALL 550

Pizza Napoli

Sauce, cheese, olives, anchovies, oregano

ALL 550

Philadelphia Chicken Pizza

Sauce, mozzarella, fillet, philadelphia, truffle

ALL 550

Calabrian Pizza

Sauce, mozzarella, mushroom sujuk, gorgonzola, oregano

ALL 550

Pizza Polina

Sauce, mozzarella, sujuk, mushroom

ALL 500

Mushroom Pizza

ALL 400


Calcone Salami

Pizza sauce, mozzarella, salami

ALL 300

Calcone Ham

Pizza sauce, mozzarella, ham

ALL 330

Spicy Calcone 🌶️

Pizza sauce, mozzarella, sujuk, oregano

ALL 350

Calcone Sausage

Pizza sauce, mozzarella, sausage

ALL 350

Tuna Calcone

Pizza sauce, mozzarella, tuna, oregano

ALL 350

Calcone Filet

Pizza sauce, mozzarella, fillet

ALL 380

Calcone Tuna Mushroom

Pizza sauce, mozzarella, tuna, mushrooms, oregano

ALL 380

Calcone Next

Pizza sauce, mozzarella, fillet, parmigiano, pomodorini, arugula, aceto

ALL 400

Calcone Mix

Ham, salami, sauce, pizza cheese, mushrooms, sausages

ALL 380

Calcone Ham

Sauce, mozzarella, ham, sesame

ALL 400

Tuna Calcone

Sauce, mozzarella, tuna, oregano, sesame, peppers, olives

ALL 480

Calcone Sausage

Sauce, mozzarella, sausage, sesame, oregano

ALL 450

Calcone Ham Mushroom

Pizza sauce, mozzarella, ham, mushrooms

ALL 350

Calcone Salami

Sauce, mozzarella, salami, sesame

ALL 380


Ham Mushroom Sandwich

Mayonnaise, mozzarella, peppers, olives, tomatoes, ham, mushrooms

ALL 250

Spicy Sandwich 🌶️

Mayonnaise, mozzarella, peppers, olives, tomatoes, sausage

ALL 230


Ham Sandwich

Mayonnaise, mozzarella, peppers, olives, tomatoes, ham

ALL 230

Tuna Sandwich

Mayonnaise, mozzarella, peppers, olives, tomatoes, tuna

ALL 250

Sausage Sandwich

Mayonnaise, mozzarella, peppers, olives, tomatoes, sausages

ALL 230

Mushroom Tuna Sandwich

Mayonnaise, mozzarella, peppers, olives, tomatoes, tuna, mushrooms

ALL 280

4 Cheese Sandwich

Mayonnaise, mozzarella, gorgonzola, gouda, white cheese

ALL 200

Sandwich 4 Cheeses Sujuk

Mayonnaise, mozzarella, gorgonzola, gouda, sujuk, white cheese

ALL 250


La Cream Sandwich

Mayonnaise, peppers, olives, tomatoes, ham, mushrooms, white cheese, panna

ALL 280

Sandwich Mix

Mayonnaise, peppers, olives, tomatoes, ham, salami, sausages, mushrooms

ALL 280

Sandwich Next

Mayonnaise, filet, parmigiano, pomodorini, arugula, mozzarella, oregano, aceto

ALL 300

Normal Sandwich

Mayonnaise, mozzarella, peppers, olives, tomatoes, salami

ALL 200

Sandwich Village

Mayonnaise, peppers, olives, tomatoes, white cheese, salami

ALL 200

Vegetarian Sandwich

Sour cream, peppers, olives, tomatoes, mushrooms, white cheese

ALL 200

Swiss sandwich

Mayonnaise, mozzarella, peppers, olives, tomatoes, sausages

ALL 250

Fillet Sandwich

Mayonnaise, mozzarella, peppers, olives, tomatoes, fillet

ALL 280

French Fries

ALL 150



ALL 150



ALL 150



ALL 60

A little slice of heaven!

See similar venues


Rruga Myslym Shyri Tiranë 1001

1004 Tirana

See map

Delivery times
