Code: 9992839
Tea has anti-inflammatory action and is especially effective in cystitis
Can be used by: Women, Men
Beneficial effect on problems with: Kidneys, Cystitis
Fol. Uvae-ursi (bearberry leaves)
Fol. Betulae (birch leaves)
Hb. Equiseti (horsetail stalks)
Fl. Crataegi (hawthorn blossom)
Stip. Visci albi (white mistletoe stalks)
I am. Lini (flax seeds)
Rad. Valerianae
Rad. Inulae (roots of white oman)
I am. Cannabis (hemp seeds)
Rad. Ononidis (roots of thunder)
Rad. Althaeae (rose roots)
Rad. Absinthii (wormwood roots)
Rad. Rubiae (brooch roots)
Rad. Rhei (rhubarb roots)
Hb. Solidaginis (yellow stalk stalks)
Stip. Cerasorum (cherry stalks)
It is used in chronic kidney disease, chronic kidney failure, elevated urea, kidney stones, cystitis. It has diuretic, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory and hemostatic effects.
How to use:
One tablespoon is boiled in 300 ml of water and allowed to cool. Drink for 1 day 3 times before meals. After 5 days, the dose is increased to 2 tablespoons daily. The tea is drunk for 30-40 days.