Wolt gives respect


April 15, 2024



Let's make safer roads for everyone

Orders from Wolt are delivered to you by more than 7,000 of our partner couriers πŸ’ͺ And more than a third of them deliver goodies and other items by bike. 🚲 That's why we've decided to team up with the initiative "Give Respect", which has been undertaking activities to increase awareness and compliance with traffic regulations, as well as greater consideration πŸ’™ among all road users 🚘 Especially between car drivers and cyclists. Together, we will now work on educating our couriers and raising awareness among the general public. After all, we want not only our couriers to feel safe on the roads. But of course, we won't force them to read driving school books at night βŒπŸ“š Instead, together with "Give Respect", we have prepared a five-part video series, thanks to which they can refresh familiar rules and maybe even learn something new. The videos feature athlete and influencer Lucie NeumannovΓ‘ along with selected couriers. To kick off our collaboration, we also mapped the environment πŸ—Ί and conducted a survey among 2,000 couriers. We asked, for example, whether they wear a helmet while cycling, if they know the correct distance when overtaking cyclists, or if they are aware of the difference between a cycle lane and a cycle track. But before we tell you how the survey turned out, test your knowledge too πŸ“‘: So, how are you doing with your knowledge of regulations? What is the recommended distance between a vehicle and a cyclist when overtaking? ↔ a) 1 m b) 1.5 m c) 2 m Overtaking from the right (so-called undertaking) is only allowed for car drivers under certain circumstances, such as when driving parallel or within a turning or joining lane. What about cyclists? ➑ a) The same rules apply to cyclists as to car drivers. b) A cyclist can undertake from the right, for example in a queue, but only if there is enough space on the right and with increased attention. c) A cyclist must never undertake from the right. What is the difference between a cycle lane and a cycle track and what obligations do they impose on drivers? ↕ a) The cycle track serves only as a warning for drivers that there is a higher number of cyclists in the area, and drivers must maintain a distance of 1.5 m. The cycle lane is delineated by a dividing line, and drivers do not have to maintain a 1.5 m distance from the cyclist. b) Both the cycle track and the cycle lane impose the same obligations on drivers. c) The cycle track is marked by a dividing line, and drivers do not have to maintain a 1.5 m distance from the cyclist. The cycle lane serves only as a warning for drivers that there is a higher number of cyclists in the area, and drivers must maintain a distance of 1.5 m. So, how did you do? You can find the correct answers at the end of the article βœ” And what did our survey among couriers reveal? ➣ 96.6% of couriers are aware of the 1.5-meter rule, which is the mandatory lateral distance when overtaking cyclists. ➣ 51.2% of couriers believe that the cycle track, which is only informational signage, provides cyclists with greater protection than a designated cycle lane. ➣ 86.7% of couriers wear a helmet when cycling. ➣ 56% of couriers rate the relationship between cyclists and motorists as rather or completely friendly. Couriers most commonly criticize motorists for using phones while driving (20.2%), not yielding when required (18.5%), speeding (18%), and not maintaining sufficient lateral distance when overtaking (16.1%). ➣ They also dislike other cyclists riding on the sidewalk, changing direction without signaling, and running red lights. They also consider it common for cyclists to ride next to each other. We were pleased with the survey results! But there's always room for improvement, so we can't wait to see what else we'll come up with together with "Give Respect". So put on your helmet, follow our journey, and give respect! 🀝 βœ” QUIZ CORRECT ANSWERS: 1. b), 2. b), 3. a)