Biogoods Shop

Bio groceries delivered to your doorstep

Süße Aufstriche


bio Fiordifrutta Birnen Aufstrich 250g

250 g€20.36/kg

bio Fiordifrutta Brombeeren Aufstrich 250g

250 g€20.36/kg
  • Sold out

bio Fiordifrutta Heidelbeeren Aufstrich 250g

250 g€20.36/kg

bio Fiordifrutta Zitronen Aufstrich 260g

260 g€19.58/kg

bio Fiordifrutta Feigen Aufstrich 260g

260 g€19.58/kg

bio FruchtGarten Aprikose 225g

225 g€16.84/kg

bio FruchtGarten Pflaumenmus 225g

225 g€16.84/kg

bio Erdbeer Konfitüre extra 225g

225 g€16.40/kg

bio Orangen Marmelade 225g

225 g€16.40/kg

bio Fiordifrutta Erdbeer & Walderdbeer Aufstrich 250g

250 g€20.36/kg

bio FruchtGarten Himbeere 225g

225 g€16.84/kg

bio Orangen Marmelade 220g


Schoko Nougatcreme Rigoni di Asiago Nocciolata milchfrei BIO 250g

250 g€24.36/kg

Schoko Nougatcreme Rigoni di Asiago Nocciolata Crunchy BIO 250g

250 g€24.36/kg

Schoko Nougatcreme Rigoni di Asiago Nocciolata milchfrei BIO 650g

650 g€20.14/kg

Nougatcreme Rigoni di Asiago Nocciolata Bianca BIO 250g

250 g€24.36/kg

Bio Heidelbeer Konfitüre extra

225 g€18.18/kg

Bio Himbeer Konfitüre extra

225 g€18.18/kg

Bio Aprikosen Konfitüre extra

225 g€16.40/kg

TerraSana Tahin Dark 250g

250 g€21.96/kg

TerraSana Tahin White 250g

250 g€22.36/kg

Allos Frucht-Pur Orange

250 g€16.36/kg

Smiling Fruits Fruchtaufstrich Himbeere Granatapfel (Glas 200g)

200 g€25.95/kg

Monki bio Pistazienmus

175 g€83.37/kg

Schoko Nougatcreme Rigoni di Asiago Nocciolata BIO 650g

650 g€20.14/kg
  • Sold out

Lini´s Bites Hazelnut Dark Chocolate Spread - BIO 200g

200 g€32.45/kg

Monki Weißes Mandelmus

330 g€39.06/kg

Monki Bio Erdnussmus mit Meersalz

330 g€15.42/kg

Monki bio Weisses Cashewnussmus

330 g€33.00/kg

Monki Haselnussmus ohne Meersalz 330g

330 g€29.06/kg

Monki bio Erdnussmus Grob

330 g€15.42/kg

Monki Mandelmus

330 g€35.42/kg

Kaiser Honig Milchcreme Salty Karamel

175 g€35.43/kg

Kaiser Honig Pistazien Milchcreme

175 g€35.43/kg

bio Feigen Konfitüre extra 220g

Your market for organic food in organic quality. Biogoods Shop does something good for our environment by selling and buying organic products. So that future generations remain healthy 🌱 Seller: Company: Wolt Enterprises Deutschland GmbH, Address: Stralauer Allee 6, 10245 Berlin, Representative: Bassel Soukar, Trade register number: HRB 217122 B, Register court: Amtsgericht Charlottenburg, E-Mail:


Kastanienallee 101

10435 Berlin

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Prices include VAT (excluding additional shipping costs that may apply).