Ristorante La Campagnola

Traditional Italian dishes 🍕


200. Bruschetta “Campagnola”

2 slices of toasted bread with diced tomatoes, basil, oregano, garlic, olive oil and rocket


202. Carpaccio di Manzo “Cipriani”

finely sliced beef on rocket with Parmesan strips, apple capers, lemons and olive oil


204. Vitello Tonnato

veal with tuna cream, cocktail tomatoes and apple capers


206. Antipasto Italiano

mixed starter in house style



220. Crema di Pomodoro

tomato cream soup with basil and olive oil


251. Insalata Mista

green salad with tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, celery and bell peppers


252. Insalata Mari e Monti

green salad with rocket, prawns, salmon fillet strips, tomatoes, grilled vegetables, carrots and Parmesan


253. Insalata Calabrese

green salad with goat cheese, beetroot, walnuts, cocktail tomatoes and orange fillet


254. Insalata “La Campagnola”

green salad with cucumbers, bell peppers, carrots, celery, tomatoes, mozzarella, chicken breast fillet and melon



all pizzas are approx. Ø 33cm and are prepared with tomatoes and mozzarella (“422. Foccacia al Rosmarino” is prepared without tomatoes and mozzarella)

400. Pizza Margherita Original

with basil


401. Pizza Santa Lucia

with scamorza cheese, artichokes and tuna


402. Pizza don Camillo

with spicy salami, champignons and Gorgonzola


403. Calzone Classico

with ham, salami and champignons


404. Pizza Hawaii

with ham and pineapple


405. Pizza Capricciosa

with ham, champignons, chili peppers, anchovies and olives


406. Pizza Diavola

with spicy salami, onions and chili peppers



408. Pizza “La Campagnola”

with Parmesan strips, rocket and olive oil


409. Pizza Romana

with ham, salami, Parma ham and spicy salami



410. Pizza Sfiziosa

pizza bread with rocket, Parma ham and Parmesan


411. Pizza Tonno e Cipolla

with tuna and onions



412. Pizza Quattro Stagioni

with ham, champignons, artichokes and chili peppers


413. Pizza Quattro Formaggi

with four different types of cheese


414. Pizza Gamberetti, Rucola e Pomodorini

with prawns, garlic, parsley and rocket


418. Pizza Vegetarian

with grilled vegetables, champignons and rocket



422. Foccacia al Rosmarino

pizza bread with olive oil, rosemary and oregano



all dishes are prepared with Parmesan (“310. Penne alla Salentina”, “316. Tagliatelle allo “Chef”” and “317. Tagliatelle al Salmone” are prepared without Parmesan)

301. Spaghetti alla Bolognese

with minced meat in tomato sauce


302. Spaghetti Aglio, Olio e Peperoncino

with garlic, olive oil and spicy chili peppers


305. Spaghetti alla Carbonara

with bacon and egg yolk, possible with cream on request


309. Penne all'Arrabbiata

with olives, garlic, chili peppers and tomato sauce


310. Penne alla Salentina

with prawns, onions, garlic, cocktail tomatoes and rocket pesto sauce


311. Penne alla Cacciatora

with chicken breast fillet, champignons, cocktail tomatoes, onions and cream sauce


316. Tagliatelle allo “Chef”

with beef fillet tips, cocktail tomato sauce and grated ricotta cheese


317. Tagliatelle al Salmone

with salmon, onions, cocktail tomatoes and tomato cream sauce


337. Lasagnetta „La Campagnola”

with minced meat sauce, ham, béchamel sauce and mozzarella



all meat dishes are served with rosemary potatoes and seasonal vegetables

342. Saltimbocca alla Romana

veal saddle stuffed with Parma ham and sage in white wine sauce Contains alcohol, not suitable for children and pregnant women

€32.80(0.8% vol)

344. Scaloppine al Limone

veal in a light, creamy lemon sauce


Filetto di Manzo

Argentinian beef fillet with a sauce of your choice



all fish dishes are served with rosemary potatoes and seasonal vegetables

205. Polipo con Rucola e Pistacchi

grilled octopus on rocket with cocktail tomatoes and pistachios


367. Filetto di Salmone alla Griglia

grilled salmon fillet with lemon olive oil dressing


368. Filetto di Salmone al Pepe Verde

salmon fillet in green pepper dijon mustard sauce



438. Penne Napoli

with tomato sauce


439. Petto di Pollo con Patate

chicken breast fillet in tomato cream sauce with potatoes


440. Piccola Pizza Margherita

small with tomato sauce and mozzarella



449. Tartufo Classico

zabaione cocoa ice cream with nut brittle and sugar


450. Tiramisu

with ladyfingers, mascarpone cream, coffee and amaretto Contains alcohol, not suitable for children and pregnant women

€9.50(0.8% vol)


451. Panna Cotta con Frutti di Bosco

cream pudding with wild fruit sauce


452. Selezione di Formaggi Italiani con Frutta e Miele

Italian cheese variations with fruits and honey


Are you looking for a combination of traditional Italian dishes? Then you've come to the right place. Antipasti, insalata or pasta: whatever your palate or heart desires, you'll get it here! Seller: Company: Wolt Enterprises Deutschland GmbH, Address: Stralauer Allee 6, 10245 Berlin, Representative: Bassel Soukar, Trade register number: HRB 217122 B, Register court: Amtsgericht Charlottenburg, E-Mail: support@wolt.com

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