
Selver Pirita

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Iconfit, Kroom, 200 μg, N90, 54 g

54 g€133.15/kg

Faringo, Astelpaju pulgakommid koos C-vitamiiniga N5, 40g

40 g€144.00/kg

Söetabletid 250mg N50, 10g

10 g€230.00/kg

Gefilus, Piimhappebakterikapslid Basic N20, 6g

6 g€2,483.33/kg

Vitatabs maxi multivitamiin N90, 45g

45 g€221.33/kg

Ferromax, Rauamikstuur, 250ml

250 ml€44.04/l

Magnesia, Magneesiumitabletid B rühma vitamiinide ja inuliiniga N180, 198g

198 g€76.82/kg

Vitatabs, Vitamiin B12 1000mcg tabletid N60, 18g

18 g€524.44/kg

Evonia, Kapslid juustele N56, 80g

80 g€249.25/kg

Redasin Forte, Südametabletid punase riisiga N60, 30g

30 g€356.67/kg

Echinamax siirup, 200ml

200 ml€55.05/l

Kaltsiumitabeltid Calcia 800 Plus, 223 g

223 g€56.46/kg

Vitatabs, Õlikapslid Vitacaps D3, 62 g

62 g€321.61/kg

Vitatabs, Maasikamaitselised multivitamiinid lastele N60, 180 g

180 g€55.33/kg

hey'Mo, Ashwagandha kummikommid, 180g

180 g€75.56/kg

Himalaya, Party Smart 1 kapsel, 6g

6 g€260.00/kg

Iconfit, Hydrolysed Collagen 100%, 300g

300 g€36.23/kg

Iconfit, Collagen Coffee Creamer - Vanilla, 300g

300 g€36.23/kg

Iconfit, Joint Collagen - Kirsi, 300g

300 g€48.60/kg

Iconfit, Joint Collagen - Apelsin, 300g

300 g€48.60/kg

Iconfit, Beauty Collagen - apelsin, 300g

300 g€48.60/kg

Iconfit, Beauty Collagen - Sidrun-laim, 300g

300 g€48.60/kg

Iconfit, Ashwagandha capsules, N90, 45g

45 g€303.11/kg

Iconfit, Omega 3-6-9, 1000 mg, N90, 90g

90 g€106.00/kg

Iconfit, Liigeste Kapslid, N90, 45g

45 g€338.00/kg

Iconfit, Vitamiin D3 Päikesepärlid Viinamarjaseemneõliga 4000IU, N90, 43,7g

44 g€257.50/kg

Iconfit, C vitamiin (mittehappeline) 800mg, N90, 52,2g

52 g€149.23/kg

Iconfit, B-vitamiini kompleks (B1 - B12) N90, 45g

45 g€209.78/kg

Iconfit, Magneesium B6, 375mg, N90, 45g

45 g€198.00/kg

Iconfit, Tsink (Zink), N90, 45g

45 g€180.00/kg

Iconfit, Foolhape (Vitamin B9, 400 μg) N90, 45g

45 g€156.00/kg

Iconfit, Q10 Premium, 90 mg, N90, 45g

45 g€384.67/kg

Iconfit, Digestive Enzymes capsules, N60, 30g

30 g€559.67/kg

Iconfit, Inuliin, 400g

400 g€15.73/kg

Terviseks, Toidulisand Ca-Mg-Zn N100, 160g

160 g€52.44/kg

IvyBears, Vibrant Skin kollageeni ja hüaluroonhappega kummikarud N60, 191g

191 g€131.41/kg

IvyBears, Juuksekasvu kiirendavad ja väljalangemist vähendavad kummikarud N60, 191g

191 g€111.62/kg

Sanct Bernhard, Vitamiin C 300mg + tsink N60, 40 g

40 g€141.50/kg

Tervisepüramiid, Magneesiumtsitraat 1300 mg tbl N30, 42 g

42 g€357.14/kg

Lacto, LactoSeven tbl N50, 20g

20 g€713.50/kg

Lacto, LactoSeven Kids närimistabletid N20, 11g

11 g€638.18/kg

Leader, Toidulisand Performance Creatine monohydrate, 300g

300 g€39.87/kg

Loodustoode, Toidulisand Magnex 375mg+B6 tab N60, 62,8g

63 g€141.43/kg

Lysi, Omega-3 kalaõlikapslid D-vitamiiniga N120, 83g

83 g€197.23/kg

Lysi, Omega-3 kalaõlikapslid E-vitamiiniga N120, 82g

82 g€199.63/kg

Magne, Magne B6 Fast N20 (pakikesed), 31,5g

32 g€508.13/kg

NutriDream, Foolhape 400 µg N60, 60 tk

60 pcs€0.22/pc

Melatosell, Melatosell strong tabletid 1,9 mg N60, 18g

18 g€660.56/kg

Nôgel, Beebide D3-vitamiin oliiviõliga 440 IU, 10 ml

10 ml€1,154.00/l

Nôgel, D3-vitamiin Eesti astelpajuõliga 4000 IU, 10 ml

10 ml€1,427.00/l
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