Käsitööšokolaad 🍫 73%-ne tume mahešokolaad Leedust. Madagascaril asuvast Akesson´i istandusest ja Sambirano kakao-sordist.
La Naya tegutseb Leedus väikeses Rudamina külas. Kui oast-tahvlini tootmisviisiga kursis oled, siis La Naya on justkui see, aga natuke enamat: nad ise nimetavad end "oast-tundeks" šokolaadimeistriteks.
Nimeinspiratsioon pärineb Guatemala mägedes asuvast iidsest maiade külast La Naya. Osade allikate järgi pärinevad esimesed märked kakaoubade esmase kasutamise kohta just sealt. Pakendil olevad kunstiteosed põhinevad Guatemala maastikul ja kohalike inimeste igapäevaelul.
Madagascar Sambirano dark chocolate. Single origin -Akesson plantations.
This chocolate is infused with the emotion of AUDACIOUSNESS – willingness to take risks. Madagascar is so unique and diverse with its unspoiled flora and fauna. It is the dream destination for the adventurous. Are you one of them? Dive in and seize the immense fun, be empowered by the sweet sourness of the bean that has the restlessness in its core. At La Naya we have already felt the adventure and we’re happily presenting it for you to enjoy.
Emotional structure: unspoiled uniqueness, sweet and sour fruits, molasses, wind of adventures.