Wolt Market

Wolt Market Haabersti

Wolt’s very own supermarket. 🛒 Groceries for all your needs with a quick delivery 🥑

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Ruta Fashion Collection kosmeetilised salvrätid 3-kihiline, 90tk

90 pcs€0.02/pc

Estover Eesti taluvõi 82%, 150g

150 g€16.27/kg

Viinamari tume karbis, 500g

500 g€5.58/kg

Kronenbourg 1664 Blanc alkoholivaba õlu 0.0%, 330ml

330 ml€4.21/l
Excl. €0.10 deposit

Sante Go On Proteiinibatoon kakao ja inuliiniga 50g

50 g€25.80/kg

Most ordered


Banaan, ~145 g


Kurk Eesti kiles, ~298 g


Paprika punane, ~269 g


Õun Royal Gala, ~165 g


Eggo suured munad L, 10tk

10 pcs€0.28/pc
  • 3 left

Rakvere seavälisfilee suitsutatud, 130g

130 g€19.15/kg

Bounty šokolaadibatoon, 5x57g

285 g€16.81/kg
  • 1 left

Tere kodujuust 4%, 300g

300 g€6.97/kg
  • 4 left

Rakvere Milano toorsuitsuvorst, 110g

110 g€27.18/kg

Hapukapsas porgandiga, 500g

500 g€3.18/kg

Everyday essentials

  • Popular

Eggo suured munad L, 10tk

10 pcs€0.28/pc

Eesti Pagar Tosta röstsai viilutatud, 500g

500 g€2.18/kg

Leibur röst mitmevilja, 470g

470 g€4.02/kg

Zewa Deluxe tualettpaber 3-kihiline 4rl

4 pcs€0.65/pc

Eesti Pagar must vormileib, 280g

280 g€3.54/kg

Go fresh

  • Popular

Banaan, ~145 g

  • Popular

Kurk Eesti kiles, ~298 g

  • Popular

Paprika punane, ~269 g

  • Popular

Õun Royal Gala, ~165 g


Kiivi, ~81 g


Treat yourself


Kinder piimašokolaad 100g

100 g€21.90/kg

Brunberg tume šokolaad laktoosi- ja suhkruvaba, 50g

50 g€39.80/kg

Kalev klassikalised martsipanikommid,150g

150 g€25.93/kg

Kalev Kiss-kiss pehme iiris 150g

150 g€10.60/kg

Kalev pähkli-seemnebatoon tumeda šokolaadiga 40g

40 g€37.25/kg

Home & cleaning


Zewa Deluxe tualettpaber 3-kihiline 4rl

4 pcs€0.65/pc

Zewa Easy lehträtikud 2-kihiline 120tk

120 pcs€0.01/pc

Zewa Softis salvrätikud 4-kihiline 80tk

80 pcs€0.03/pc

Ajax Floral Fiesta Spring Flowers üldpuhastusvahend, 1L

1 l€2.39/l

Esta nõudepesusvamm Dual Power, 10tk

10 pcs€0.10/pc

From vegetables and cheeses to washing powder and toiletries, Wolt Market is just minutes away from your weekly shopping. Products are sold by Wolt Services Eesti OÜ


Ehitajate tee 114b

13517 Tallinn

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