Tervise Abi Mõisavahe

Health aid products for every occasion

Täiskasvanute mähkmed


Lille Vormmähe Supreme Light Normal 340ml (28 tk)


Lille Vormmähe Supreme Light Extra 600ml (28 tk)


Lille Vormmähe Supreme Light Extra+ 720ml (16 tk)


Lille Vormmähe Supreme Light Super 830 ml (28 tk)


Lille Vormmähe Supreme Light Maxi 1030ml (28 tk)


Lille Vormmähe Lille for Men 600ml (14 tk)


Lille Imavad Püksid Small S Maxi 1900 ml (14 tk)


Lille Imavad Püksid Supreme M 1300ml (14 tk)


Lille Imavad Püksid Medium M Maxi 1900ml (14 tk)


Lille Imavad Püksid Supreme L 1300ml (14 tk)


Lille Imavad Püksid Large L Maxi 1900ml (14 tk)


Lille Imavad Püksid Supreme XL 1300ml (14 tk)


Lille Imavad Püksid XLarge XL Maxi 1900ml (14 tk)

Tervise Abi OÜ is a rapidly growing company selling health aid products. We are among the three largest companies in our field in Estonia, but we offer a significantly wider product range than other companies engaged in the same field.

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Mõisavahe 34b-34c

50708 Tartu

See map

Delivery times

Monday00:00–01:00, 07:00–01:00
SaturdayAll day
SundayAll day