Hi! Bowl & Tea

Delicious bubble tea!

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Build your own Poke Bowl

Rakenna oma Poke Bowl - valitse kaksi pääraaka-ainetta, valitse kastike ja kaksi lisätäytettä (All bowls contain wakame salad, cucumber, edamame beans, tomato,kimchi, topped with sesame seeds. ) (Annos sisältää wakame, kurkkua, edamame papuja, tomaattia, Kimchi,seesaminsiemeniä)


11. Brown sugar bubble milk tea

Included Tapioca


26. Caramel coffee bubble latte

Included Tapioca


22.Lychee Clitoria ternatea

Included Lychee Boba


4.Strawberry bubble milk tea

Included Tapioca


3. Taro puree bubble taro milk tea

Included Tapioca & Taro Puree


5. Matcha bubble milk tea

Included Tapioca


Hawaii Double Salmon Bowl

Shoyu Salmon, Chilimajoneesilla Salmon, edamame papuja,Kimchi, kurkkua, tomaattia, wakame(merilevä), kevätsipuli, korianteri, seesaminsiemeniä, teriyaki-kastiketta.


12. Brown sugar bubble milk

Included Tapioca


COMBO: 2x build your own Poke Bowls 🥗 & 2x Teas 🧋

Choose two build your own Poke Bowls and two bubble teas.


21. Mango-passion

Included Mango Boba


45. Sakura Frappe

Included 3Q Pearl


19. Peach-lemon

Large Included Peach Boba


18. Strawberry-passion

Included Strawberry Boba


Inari Poke Bowl

Jalotofu, avokadoa, edamame papuja, Kimchi,kurkkua, tomaattia, wakame(merilevä), Suolapähkinä, kevätsipuli, korianteri, seesaminsiemeniä, teriyaki-kastiketta。


Offers 🙌🏼 🧋🥗

Try our current offers!

COMBO: 2x build your own Poke Bowls 🥗 & 2x Teas 🧋

Choose two build your own Poke Bowls and two bubble teas.


Hawaii Poke Bowl & Handmade lemon tea

Shoyu Salmon, avokadoa, edamame papuja, kimchi,kurkkua, tomaattia, wakame(merilevä), punainen chili, kevätsipuli, seesaminsiemeniä, teriyaki-kastiketta.


Hi! Bowls

Kaikki bowlit sisältävät wakame-salaattia, kurkkua, edamame-papuja, tomaattia ja seesaminsiemeniä

Build your own Poke Bowl

Rakenna oma Poke Bowl - valitse kaksi pääraaka-ainetta, valitse kastike ja kaksi lisätäytettä (All bowls contain wakame salad, cucumber, edamame beans, tomato,kimchi, topped with sesame seeds. ) (Annos sisältää wakame, kurkkua, edamame papuja, tomaattia, Kimchi,seesaminsiemeniä)



Hawaii Poke Bowl

Shoyu Salmon, avokadoa, edamame papuja, kimchi,kurkkua, tomaattia, wakame(merilevä), punainen chili, kevätsipuli, seesaminsiemeniä, teriyaki-kastiketta.


Hawaii Double Salmon Bowl

Shoyu Salmon, Chilimajoneesilla Salmon, edamame papuja,Kimchi, kurkkua, tomaattia, wakame(merilevä), kevätsipuli, korianteri, seesaminsiemeniä, teriyaki-kastiketta.


Tiger Prawn Poke Bowl

Katkarapuja, avokadoa, ananas, Kimchi,edamame papuja, kurkkua, tomaattia, wakame(merilevä), kevätsipuli, korianteri, seesaminsiemeniä, teriyaki-kastiketta.


Inari Poke Bowl

Jalotofu, avokadoa, edamame papuja, Kimchi,kurkkua, tomaattia, wakame(merilevä), Suolapähkinä, kevätsipuli, korianteri, seesaminsiemeniä, teriyaki-kastiketta。


Flame Poke Bowl

Grillattu lohi, avokadoa, ananas, Kimchi, edamame papuja, kurkkua, tomaattia, wakame(merilevä), punainen chili, kevätsipuli, seesaminsiemeniä, teriyaki-kastiketta.


Smoked Salmon Poke bowl

Lämminsavulohi, avokadoa, ananas, kimchi, edamame papuja, kurkkua, tomaattia, wakame(merilevä), kevätsipuli, korianteri, seesaminsiemeniä, teriyaki-kastiketta.


Tropicana Poke Bowl

Katkarapuja, lämminsavulohi, ananas, Kimchi, edamame papuja, kurkkua, tomaattia, wakame(merilevä), punainen chili, kevätsipuli, korianteri, seesaminsiemeniä, teriyaki-kastiketta.


Chicken Poke Bowl

Kana, avokadoa, ananas, edamame papuja, Kimchi, kurkkua, tomaattia, wakame(merilevä), kevätsipuli, korianteri, seesaminsiemeniä, teriyaki-kastiketta


Milk Tea

1. Handmade bubble milk tea

Included Tapioca


2.Pudding grass bubble milk tea

Included Grass jelly & Pudding & Tapioca


3. Taro puree bubble taro milk tea

Included Tapioca & Taro Puree


4.Strawberry bubble milk tea

Included Tapioca



5. Matcha bubble milk tea

Included Tapioca


6. Chocolate bubble milk tea

Included Tapioca


7. Watermelon bubble milk tea

Included Tapioca


8. Cheese chocolate bubble milk tea

Included Tapioca


9. Oreo Bubble milk tea

Included Tapioca


10.Chocolate Oreo bubble milk tea

Included Tapioca


Brown Sugar

11. Brown sugar bubble milk tea

Included Tapioca



12. Brown sugar bubble milk

Included Tapioca


13. Brown sugar strawberry bubble milk

Included Tapioca


14.Brown sugar Matcha bubble milk tea

Included Tapioca


15.Brown sugar Sakura bubble milk tea

tavallinen maito . Included Tapioca


Fruit Tea

16. Handmade lemon tea

Large Included coconut jelly


Ice lemon tea

Included coconut jelly


17. Blue Curacao-lemon

Included coconut jelly


18. Strawberry-passion

Included Strawberry Boba


19. Peach-lemon

Large Included Peach Boba


20. Mango-lemon

Included Mango boba


21. Mango-passion

Included Mango Boba


22.Lychee Clitoria ternatea

Included Lychee Boba



Coffee / Coconut

23. Coffee bubble latte

Included Tapioca


24.Blue-curacao Coffee latte

Included 3Q pearl


25. Coffee Mocha bubble latte

Included Tapioca


26. Caramel coffee bubble latte

Included Tapioca



27. Coco-coconut bubble milk

Included Tapioca


28. Strawberry-coconut milk

Included 3Q pearl


Soda Tea

29. Strawberry Soda lemon tea

Included Strawberry Boba


30. Peach Soda lemon tea

Included Peach boba


31. Watermelon Soda lemon tea

Included Watermelon Boba


32. Litchi Soda lemon tea

Included Lychee Boba


33.Green apple Soda lemon tea

Included Green apple Boba


34.Passion Sprite Soda

Included Paasion Boba


35.Blue-curacao Sprite Soda

Included 3Q pearl



36.Mango grapefruit milk


37.Cheese strawberry

Included 3Q Pearl


38. Cheese mango

Included 3Q pearl


39. Blue curaçao coconut smoothie

Included coconut jelly



44. Sakura Coffee Latte

Included Tapioca


45. Sakura Frappe

Included 3Q Pearl


Delicious bubble tea!


Kaupakatu 20

40100 Jyväskylä

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