Kuopion Eka Apteekki

We are a modern pharmacy and we want to offer the residents of Kuopio high-quality pharmacy service and the keys to matters related to medicines and well-being.

Suunhoitovälineet ja tarvikkeet


Clinic By Jordan Double Ended Thin Sticks Hammastikku

100 pcs€0.03/pc

Meridol Hammasharja

1 pc€6.59/pc

Elmex Sensitive Professional Hammastahna Repair And Prevent

75 ml€87.87/l

Hammaslanka Dentotape Vahattu 100 M

1 pc€20.79/pc

Hammaslanganviejä Ekul

1 pc€6.20/pc

Gum Soft-Picks Comfort Flex Mint Small

40 pcs€0.23/pc

Gum Soft-Picks Comfort Flex Mint Large

40 pcs€0.23/pc

Sensodyne Sensitivity & Gum Hammastahna

75 ml€89.07/l

Lumorinse Tabletti Lumoral-Hoitoa Varten

30 pcs€1.02/pc

Gum Soft-Picks Pro Medium

60 pcs€0.25/pc

Gum Soft-Picks Pro Small

60 pcs€0.25/pc

Gum Soft-Picks Pro Large

60 pcs€0.25/pc

Gum Soft-Picks Pro Large

30 pcs€0.32/pc

Gum Soft-Picks Pro Small

30 pcs€0.32/pc

Gum Soft-Picks Pro Medium

30 pcs€0.32/pc

Corega Neutral Taste

40 g€176.50/kg

Plackers Tri-Line

30 pcs€0.26/pc

Plackers Original

38 pcs€0.19/pc

Gum Paroex 0,06% Suuvesi

500 ml€24.78/l

Corega Ultra Cream

40 g€193.25/kg

Gum Paroex 0,12% Suuvesi

300 ml€27.30/l

Gum Paroex 0,06% Tahna

75 ml€103.60/l

Perfectionplus Väliaik Paikka-Aine

1 pc€11.97/pc

Ekulf Hammasväliharja Ph Abc 0,8 Sininen

12 pcs€0.68/pc

Ekulf Hammasväliharja Ph Abc 0,5 Punainen

12 pcs€0.68/pc

Gum Trav-Ler Väliharja 0,9 Mm Oranssi 1412G

6 pcs€0.95/pc

Apteq Sensitive Hammastahna

60 ml€138.33/l

Gum Proteesiharja

1 pc€4.83/pc

Nitradine Desinfiointitabletti

12 pcs€1.02/pc

Toimivaltaisen viranomaisen yhteystiedot: Lääkealan turvallisuus- ja kehittämiskeskus Fimea Puh. vaihde 029 522 3341 kirjaamo@fimea.fi

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Matkuksentie 60

70800 Kuopio

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