
Carrefour Kavtaradze - Jikia

❗️Before proceeding to Checkout, please make sure you have selected your substitution preferences from “Substitution Preferences” feature and mark either ‘’Refund’' or ‘’Replace’' for each item in your basket. Pickers will collect your order according to your preference and in case something you’ve ordered is out of stock and you’ve selected ’’Replace”, it will be replaced with a similar alternative product. If you do not wish to receive a substitution of a certain item, please mark ‘’refund’' and if out of stock, it will be removed from the order. Please note that Pickers will not reach out to you during the collection of your order.❗️

👉 Please Do Not Place an Order that Exceeds 10kg Weight Limit

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GEL 19.9926.95

CILLIT BANG ჟელე გაჭედილი მილების-1ლ/8682539004135

GEL 9.9912.95

ლენორი ზაფხულის ნიავი 850მლ/8006540890011

GEL 9.9912.95

ლენორი სენსიტივი 850მლ/8006540890080

GEL 44.9966.95

პამპერსის ტრუსები 6 ზომა 44ც/8006540069356

GEL 44.9966.95

პამპერსის ტრუსები ზომა 5 48ც/8006540069325

Most ordered

GEL 3.95/kg

ბანანი 1 კგ /2104020000007

GEL 1.75/kg

კარტოფილი 1 კგ/2104257000009

GEL 7.50/kg

მანდარინი უცხოური-1კგ

GEL 2.40/kg

სტაფილო 1კგ/2104080000009

GEL 0.99/kg

ხახვი 1 კგ/2104264000009

GEL 19.99

ჰაგისი საფენი JUMBO გოგო#5-42ც/5029053590851

GEL 19.99

ჰაგისი, - საფენი კლასიკი (N) #4 (7-18)/5029053590837

GEL 19.99

ჰაგისი საფენი JUMBO ბიჭი#4-50ც/5029053590820

GEL 2.68

ნესტლე თეთრი შოკოლადის ფილა ნუშით-80გ/4600680030500

GEL 3.13

ნესტლე რძიანი შოკოლადი თხილით 85გ/4600680026763

❗️Before proceeding to Checkout, please make sure you have selected your substitution preferences from “Substitution Preferences” feature and mark either ‘’Refund’' or ‘’Replace’' for each item in your basket. Pickers will collect your order according to your preference and in case something you’ve ordered is out of stock and you’ve selected ’’Replace”, it will be replaced with a similar alternative product. If you do not wish to receive a substitution of a certain item, please mark ‘’refund’' and if out of stock, it will be removed from the order. Please note that Pickers will not reach out to you during the collection of your order.❗️ 👉 Please Do Not Place an Order that Exceeds 10kg Weight Limit ❗️ Please read the important information related to the distance contract, purchase and vendor on the Carrefour website ❗️

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60 Kavtaradze St

0186 Tbilisi

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