Terms & Conditions


May 27, 2024



Terms of Participation Organizer Information: The anonymous company named "Wolt Technologies Greece Food Services Single-Member Anonymous Company," headquartered in Athens, at Michalakopoulou Street no. 80, 11528, with GEMI number 147811001000, VAT number 801047822, Tax Office FAE ATHENS, contact email: marketing.greece@wolt.com, hereinafter referred to as the "Organizer," is organizing an online contest on its website www.wolt.com (hereinafter referred to as the "Contest"), in accordance with the following terms and conditions of participation, all of which are agreed to be essential. Name, Prize & Duration of the Contest: Contest Name: Wolt x AB Vassilopoulos Summer Contest Contest Prizes: Five (5) gift vouchers worth two thousand euros (€2,000.00) each, to be redeemed at a travel agency of the Organizer's choice for five (5) trips for two (2) people to a destination of each winner's choice. Contest Start: 27/05/2024 at 16:00 Contest End: 09/06/2024 at 23:59 Conditions of Participation: Users who wish to participate in the Contest must place an online order of products worth fifty euros (€50) or more (i.e., via debit/credit card, PayPal, etc.) from the participating "AB Vassilopoulos" stores through the Organizer's website www.wolt.com or the corresponding "Wolt" mobile application. Participation in the Contest requires acceptance of these terms, which must be expressed by writing the phrase "I accept the terms of the Contest and consent to the processing of my personal data" on the aforementioned website or Organizer's application. Eligibility: All users of the website www.wolt.com or the corresponding mobile application are eligible to participate in the Contest, provided they reside in Greece, are at least 18 years old, and have full legal capacity. Excluded are individuals who lack legal capacity, employees of the Organizer and its affiliated or related companies, as well as the spouses and relatives by blood or marriage up to the second degree in a direct or collateral line of all the aforementioned persons. Any participation by the aforementioned individuals in the Contest, in violation of this term, is automatically considered invalid. The Organizer may, at any stage of the Contest, request participants to present their police identity card and legal documents to verify the validity of their participation according to the above terms, either collectively or individually. Invalid Participation Applications: Participation applications submitted by persons who are not eligible or are prohibited from participating, according to paragraph 4, will not be considered and will be excluded from the contest as soon as this is detected by the Organizer. The Organizer can exclude any participant from the contest at any stage if they do not comply with these terms. Participation Procedure: Users will participate in the Contest by placing orders through the website www.wolt.com or the corresponding mobile application from the participating "AB Vassilopoulos" stores during the Contest period. Each successfully completed order will correspond to one entry in the draw for the Prizes. Users can place multiple orders, thereby earning more entries in the draw. Participation is strictly personal, non-transferable, and cannot be made through a representative. Other Participation Terms: (a) By participating in the contest, which requires the full and unconditional acceptance of these terms, users are deemed to declare that they reside in Greece, are over 18 years old, and have full legal capacity. (b) Participation in the contest requires interested parties to have access to the internet through their own technical means. The Organizer assumes no obligation regarding the provision, assistance with access to internet sites, or the provision of facilities to any interested party. Access to the contest website is permitted only under the terms of operation of the respective server and must comply with these terms. Draw: The five (5) winners, each of whom will win a €2,000 gift voucher, will be determined through an electronic draw, which will take place in the presence of a representative of the Organizer on Monday, 10/06/2024. The winners will be randomly selected via an electronic program, ensuring the randomness of the selection and the impossibility of human intervention. During the draw, five (5) winners and two (2) alternates will be selected in case the initial winners cannot be found or refuse to accept the Prize. Prizes: Each gift voucher is personal, non-transferable, non-exchangeable, non-assignable to relatives or third parties, and cannot be requested to be replaced with anything else or modified by the winner or redeemed for cash. Each gift voucher can be redeemed by each drawn winner within one (1) year from the date of receipt (see article 12 below) at the travel agency of the Organizer's choice specified on the gift voucher. Each voucher will cover the cost of transportation tickets and accommodation for two (2) people to a destination of the winner's choice (up to €2,000 and subject to availability). The trip can be taken up to the end of the 18th month from the date of receipt of each gift voucher. Responsibility for Prizes: The Organizer is responsible for delivering to each of the five (5) winners (or alternates) a €2,000 gift voucher as specified in these Terms. Once each €2,000 gift voucher is delivered intact to the drawn winner in the manner provided in these Terms, the Organizer bears no further responsibility regarding the said gift voucher. The Organizer is not responsible for any direct or indirect damages, expenses, and costs that may arise for any reason related to the Prizes, delays in their redemption by the travel agency, or in any way related to the trips to the destination of the winners' choice. Announcement of Draw Results: The Organizer will notify each winner by calling the phone number provided and sending an email to the declared email address of the winner. Each winner must explicitly respond via email confirming their acceptance of the Prize. If a winner does not confirm their interest in the Prize within five (5) business days or their participation is canceled, a phone call and corresponding email will be sent to the first alternate winner in the draw order, and the same communication and acceptance procedure will follow. The Organizer bears no responsibility if any of the details provided by a winner are incorrect or if the winner's personal email address and phone number are not provided, resulting in the winner not being informed about the Prize in a timely manner. Method of Prize Delivery: The gift vouchers will be sent electronically by the Organizer to the email addresses provided by the drawn winners, after the winners confirm their acceptance of the Prize via email as described above. The Organizer bears no further responsibility to the winners after sending the email with the attached gift voucher. Organizer's Responsibility: i. The Organizer is not responsible if users have provided false information about their age and participate in the contest. ii. The Organizer is exempt from the obligation to deliver the gift vouchers in cases where the terms of participation have not been followed in any way. iii. The Organizer is not liable if, for any technical reason, the contest cannot progress from the technical systems, as well as the receipt and registration of participants' information. In any case, the Organizer's responsibility will be limited to acts or omissions due to willful misconduct or gross negligence and will not extend to acts due to slight negligence, random events, or force majeure. iv. If any of the aforementioned deadlines expire without action, the Prize will be forfeited, and the Organizer may choose to distribute or not distribute the Prize at its discretion, after fulfilling its obligations to the elected alternate winners as described above. Specifically, if for any reason the winner does not respond or comply with any of these terms, their right to receive the Prize will be automatically forfeited. 14. Modification of Terms / Cancellation of the Contest The Organizer reserves the right, unilaterally, without notice and at its discretion, to modify, revoke, extend or shorten the duration of the Contest, to change the offered Prizes, as well as to alter the terms and dates of participation and/or cancel the Contest, announcing the fact on the website www.wolt.com. In such cases, the Organizer bears no responsibility towards the participants or any third party. In the event that the Contest is canceled, participants will not acquire any rights against the Organizer nor will they be entitled to request the continuation of the Contest or any compensation. 15. Publicity - Intellectual Property Rights The Organizer reserves the right to engage in promotional exploitation of any event related to the Contest, such as the awarding of Prizes, etc. For this purpose, winners, by participating in the Contest, explicitly and unreservedly consent to the use of their email for the purposes of this Contest, as well as the use of any recordings of them or radio, television, or online and generally public announcements of their name and statements by the Organizer. They allow the Organizer to use these for one (1) year from the receipt of their Prizes, without prior consultation with them, without requiring further consent (participation in this Contest is considered as such consent), and without any financial or other claim from them. 16. Trademarks, etc. Participants do not and will not acquire any rights whatsoever over the trademarks, names, indications, advertising slogans, logos, and other distinguishing marks of the Organizer. 17. Processing of Personal Data A. Manner of using personal data:** The Organizer will process, to the extent necessary, the personal data provided by the participants in the Contest for conducting the draw, communicating with participants and winners before, during, and after the Contest, delivering the Prizes to the winners, confirming the age and identity of the participants and winners, and ensuring their compliance with the Contest terms, as well as for publicizing the winners in the ways and media described in the Contest terms. B. Categories of personal data to be processed by the Organizer:** The Organizer will process the following personal data of Contest participants: - Email - Mobile phone number - Order history Additionally, the Organizer will process the following personal data of the winners: - Address - Identity details C. Persons who will have access to personal data:** The personal data of the winners will be sent to the cooperating travel agency and courier companies to the extent required for the delivery of the Prizes. Also, the name of the winners will be publicized as described in article 8 of these terms. D. Legal basis for processing:** The processing of personal data is based on the consent of the Contest participants, obtained when making an order from the affiliated "AB Vassilopoulos" stores. The terms and conditions are detailed on the Organizer's website www.wolt.com or the corresponding “Wolt” mobile application. The publication of the winners' details and any promotional activities involving the processing of winners' personal data are legally based on the Organizer's legitimate interest in promoting its activities through the Contest. E. Right to withdraw consent:Participants have the right to withdraw their consent to the processing of their personal data for the Contest purposes at any time by sending an email to marketing.greece@wolt.com. In this case, the submitted participation declaration in the Contest will become automatically invalid, and if the withdrawal occurs after a participant is declared a winner, the declaration of the winner and the Prize will be automatically revoked according to the provisions of term 14. The legality of the processing based on consent before its withdrawal is not affected. F. Retention period of personal data: Participants' personal data will be retained for thirty (30) days from the receipt of each gift voucher by the winner or from the final cancellation of the Contest. The personal data of the winners will be retained for one (1) year from the declaration of the winners. G. Other rights: Participants also retain the right to access, correct, delete, restrict the processing of their personal data, object to the processing, and data portability, which they can exercise by sending an email to marketing.greece@wolt.com. They also have the right to file a complaint with the Data Protection Authority located in Athens, Kifisias Ave 1-3, P.C. 115 23, tel. 210 6475600, fax 210 6475628, email: complaints@dpa.gr, if they believe that the processing of their personal data violates the current national and regulatory framework of data protection law. 18. Explicit Statement / Acceptance by Participants All participants explicitly and unreservedly acknowledge, declare, and accept and provide their explicit and unreserved consent and authorization to the Organizer for the promotion of the Contest, its results, including the announcement of the winners' names on the internet (indicatively and not limited to the Organizer's website, etc.), and/or on social media (indicatively and not limited to Facebook, Twitter, etc.), in public spaces (indicatively and not limited to public events, etc.), on screens at points of sale, and in internal presentations, for conducting promotional and advertising activities at any time, worldwide. The Organizer reserves the right to use and publish any news-related information regarding the conduct and results of the Contest. 19. Publicity The terms of participation of this Contest will be posted on the Organizer's website www.wolt.com or on the corresponding "Wolt" mobile application. For any information or complaints regarding the Contest, any participant or third party can send an email to marketing.greece@wolt.com. 20. Acceptance of Terms - Applicable Law - Jurisdiction By submitting a participation declaration in the Contest, each participant declares that they have read and fully accept the terms of participation. Participation in the Contest constitutes unconditional acceptance of all the terms provided herein and implies the concurrent waiver of any related claims or demands against the Organizer, except those arising from the published terms. This constitutes the entire agreement between the Organizer and each participant and binds only them. No modification of these terms will be considered and will not form part of this agreement unless made in writing and incorporated herein. In any case, participants can refer to these Terms to stay informed about any potential modifications. Any dispute between the parties arising from or in connection with this Contest will be resolved amicably between the Organizer and the participants in good faith and in accordance with fair trading practices. In any case, the courts of Athens are designated as the competent authority for resolving any such disputes.