Monstera minima is easy to care for so long as it has moist, warm conditions. The plant has a vining habit and often grows entwined in and around itself, with new leaves and vines sometimes growing through the holes in existing leaves. This can lead to leaves tearing which give the plant a shabby chic rather than pristine appeal. The leaves are poisonous. Keep away from pets and children.
Light: Your Monstera minima prefers bright indirect light. It can survive in lower light conditions but growth may slow. Keep out of direct sunlight for extended periods, as it can burn the leaves.
Water: Your Monstera minima likes to dry out to about 75% before it is watered again. Never allow your plant to sit in water or soggy soil, as this can lead to root rot and the eventual death of your plant.
Humidity: Your Monstera minima will do well in average household humidity, but will benefit from a boost in humidity. Misting, placing a humidifier nearby, or using a pebble tray are great ways to boost humidity for your plant.
Temperature: Monstera minima likes warm conditions from 18-27°C.
Fertilization: From spring to the end of summer, feed your plant once a month with a general houseplant fertilizer diluted to half the recommended strength.
Additional care: These plants love to vine and climb. If you desire, you can train your Monstera minima to climb up a stake or a wall. Do this by using garden ties or hooks to guide it where you would like.
Size: ~ 25-30 cm height, ~12 cm diameter