
Termelőtől az asztalra

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HUF 1,1881,320

Santé Juice 521 - 250 ml

HUF 1,1881,320

Santé Juice 045 - 250 ml

HUF 1,1881,320

Santé Juice 033 - 250 ml

HUF 1,1881,320

Santé Juice 011 - 250 ml

HUF 1,1881,320

Santé Juice 007 - 250 ml

Most ordered

HUF 250.50

Banán (Bonita) - 1 db

1 pcHUF 250.50/pc
HUF 525

Sárgarépa, 1 kg

1 kgHUF 525/kg
HUF 695

Paradicsom - koktél , közepes szemű 250g

1 pcHUF 695/pc
HUF 1,374

Áfonya 125 g

125 gHUF 10,992/kg
HUF 1,371

Szabadtartású tojás (M-es) 10 db

HUF 799

Medvehagyma kb. 100 g

100 gHUF 7,990/kg
HUF 499.50

Kígyóuborka, 1 db

300 gHUF 1,665/kg
HUF 600

Lilahagyma, 1 kg

1 kgHUF 600/kg
HUF 600

Újhagyma, 1 csomó

1 pcHUF 600/pc
HUF 264

Paprika - hegyes erős, 1 db

1 pcHUF 264/pc

At the NekedTerem online farmers' market, you will find carefully selected fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as premium artisanal products from domestic manufactories and family farms. If you believe in quality ingredients and sustainable shopping, and are looking for chemical-free, organic or bio-quality products - you will find everything you need for a healthier, more flavorful lifestyle with us! 🥕🍎 Shop with ease and support domestic producers with us!

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Vajda Péter utca 10.

1089 Budapest

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