Matchstick Monkey Original api GulurHönnunin á Original apanum frá Matchstick Monkey gerir það að verkum að börn frá 2-3 mánaða aldri eiga auðvelt með að ná góðu gripi á honum og naga með öruggum hætti.Vörurnar eru að að sjálfsögðu BPA fríar og úr FDA vottuðu sílikoni.Hægt er að kæla apann í ísskáp/kæli og þvo í uppþvottavél.Nuddar góminn vel
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Án allra BPA efna
Án allra eiturefnaEnskur texti beint frá framleiðanda:Fun, flexible and the perfect size for tiny hands, your little ones can chew to their heart’s content whilst getting right to the source of the pain. Matchstick Monkey’s textured bumps help teething gels get to the right spots, no fingers needed.– Matchstick Monkey helps you and your baby navigate teething together. Teething can be uncomfortable and even painful for your baby, but textured bumps get teething gels to the source of pain to soothe it quickly. Ergonomically designed for baby hands, your little one will love chewing on the playful Matchstick Monkey. They’re a friend your little one can keep at home, or take with them wherever they go!– FDA approved food-grade silicone– BPA free, non-toxic and environmentally friendly– Ergonomic design helps your baby develop motor skills from an early age– Lightweight and easy for little hands to hold– Flexible and gentle on little gums– Dishwasher safe and fridge friendly– Pre-training toothbrush to help babies and toddlers get used to brushing their teeth– Bumps massage the gums gently
– Helps you apply teething gels safely and hygienically, even to hard to reach molars– Suitable for steam and cold water sterilisation– Height: 10.5cm