
Shopping Concierge-eligible Restaurants. Wolt places orders and delivers on behalf of customers. You can enjoy food from popular restaurants that offer takeout services.

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sereno名物 ローストビーフ(100g) Sereno Specialty Roast Beef (100g)


牛肉のたたき特製塩ダレソース Seared Beef Special Salt Sauce


和牛のグリルステーキ 粒マスタード添え(150g) Japanese Beef Grilled Steak with Whole-Grain Mustard (150g)


アンガス牛ハラミ肉のグリルステーキ(150g) Angus Outside Skirt Beef Grilled Steak 150g0



ピッツァ マルゲリータ Pizza Margherita


ピッツァ セレーノ Pizza Sereno


ピッツァ サルドロッソ Pizza Sardorosso


ピッツァ プロシュート エ ヴェルデューラ Pizza Prosciutto Eveldura



チョリソーと茄子の激辛ペペロンチーノスパゲティ Spicy Peperoncino Spaghetti with Chorizo and Eggplant


明太子のスパゲティ sereno風 Sereno-Style Walleye Pollack Roe Spaghetti


お肉いっぱいのラザニア Lasagna with Plenty of Meat


もちもちニョッキのポルチーニ茸クリームソース Soft Gnocchi with Porcini Mushroom Cream Sauce



ゴルゴンゾーラチーズとパルメザンチーズの濃厚リゾット Thick and Rich Risotto with Gorgonzola and Parmesan Cheese



野菜いっぱいのガーデンサラダ(オリジナルドレッシング OR ビネガードレッシング) Garden Salad with Plenty of Vegetables (Original Dressing or Vinegar Dressing)



切り立てパルマ産生ハム(80g) Freshly Sliced Uncured Ham from Parma (80g)


sereno名物 焼きサバサンド Sereno Specialty Grilled Mackerel Sandwich


アボカドとトロけるチーズのケサディージャ Quesadilla with Avocado and Melting Cheese


At Wolt, we provide a shopping concierge service that offers a selection of restaurants available for your orders. Through this service, Wolt places orders and delivers on behalf of customers. You can enjoy food from popular restaurants that offer takeout services. Restaurants eligible for this service are marked with a star in the top left corner of their photo. While we strive to provide excellent delivery experiences, there may be instances where deliveries cannot be completed within the expected arrival times due to the restaurant’s circumstances. If ordered items become unavailable after you place an order, Wolt's support team will promptly contact you. This product is purchased by Wolt Market Japan K.K. from the restaurants under its own name and resold to users. There is no contract, cooperative relationship, or partnership between Wolt and the restaurant

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大阪市西区江戸堀1-24-16 クラシカ江戸堀 1F

550-0002 Osaka

See map

Delivery times
