Lawson Sapporo Minami 6-jo Nishi 4-chome

we strive to become a “Hub of refreshment in every community” which everyone can happily visit and find “Whew!” Surprises!

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【ウチカフェ】UCもっちりクレープ 生チョコ&チョコチップ*


【ウチカフェ】UC どらもっち(あんこ&ホイップ)*


【冷凍】◎UCミルクワッフルコーン 180ml


【冷凍】◎UC ショコラ&ミルクワッフル180ml

Most ordered




【珍味】グリコ 生チーズのチーザチェダーチーズ36g


【飲料】サントリー グリーンダカラ 600ml


【菓子】日清シスコ チョコフレークイチゴ 30g




【おにぎり】重慶飯店監修 中華おこわおにぎり*


【麺類】●神田まつや監修 海老かき揚げそば*


【おにぎり】金子半之助監修 海老天むす*





we strive to become a “Hub of refreshment in every community” which everyone can happily visit and find “Whew!” Surprises!



064-0806 Sapporo

See map

Delivery times

Monday00:00–00:59, 08:00–23:59
Tuesday00:00–00:59, 08:00–23:59
Wednesday00:00–00:59, 08:00–23:59
Thursday00:00–00:59, 08:00–23:59
Friday00:00–00:59, 08:00–23:59
Saturday00:00–00:59, 08:00–23:59
Sunday00:00–00:59, 08:00–23:59