Lawson Susukino Ginza Street🍈

we strive to become a “Hub of refreshment in every community” which everyone can happily visit and find “Whew!” Surprises

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【即席食品】永谷園 カップ松茸の味お吸いもの






【菓子】ヤマザキ チップスターバター醤油 45g


【カップ麺】日清 カップヌードルバターチキンカレービッグ


【菓子】明治 果汁グミ南高梅 47g


【カップ麺】日清 ラ王焙煎ごま担々


【ベーカリー】LW しっとりチョコ蒸しケーキ*


【麺類】●ソースたっぷり カルボナーラ*


【菓子】★亀田 ゆるふわちっぷすコンポタ 24g

we strive to become a “Hub of refreshment in every community” which everyone can happily visit and find “Whew!” Surprises



064-0805 Sapporo

See map

Delivery times

Monday00:00–00:59, 08:00–23:59
Tuesday00:00–00:59, 08:00–23:59
Wednesday00:00–00:59, 08:00–23:59
Thursday00:00–00:59, 08:00–23:59
Friday00:00–00:59, 08:00–23:59
Saturday00:00–00:59, 08:00–23:59
Sunday00:00–00:59, 08:00–23:59