Pearl Lady Shinjuku Toho Building

Shopping Concierge-eligible Restaurants. Wolt places orders and delivers on behalf of customers. You can enjoy food from popular restaurants that offer takeout services.

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ツナレタスマヨ Tuna&Lettuce&Mayonnaise


ダブルベーコンマヨ Double Bacon&Mayonnaise


ツナピザチーズ Tuna&Pizza sauce&Cheese


ベーコンピザチーズ Bacon&Pizza sauce&Cheese


【全部入りの贅沢クレープ‼】スペシャルホットミール Special Hot Meal



【ドリンク人気NO.1‼】パールミルクティー Milk Tea


ショコラミルクティー Chocolate Milk Tea


紫いもミルクティー Purple sweet potato Milk Tea


黒糖ミルクティー Brown sugar Milk Tea


【ドリンク人気NO.2‼】ロイヤルミルクティー Royal Milk Tea


ロイヤル黒糖ミルクティー Royal Brown sugar Milk Tea


アップルシナモンミルクティー Apple Cinnamon Milk Tea


ピーチミルクティー Peach Milk Tea



【オススメ‼】黒糖ミルク Brown sugar Milk


ショコラミルク Chocolate Milk


紫いもミルク Purple sweet potato Milk


カフェオレ Café au lait


つぶつぶイチゴミルク Strawberry Milk


【森半の抹茶使用‼】抹茶ミルク Matcha Milk


【森半の抹茶使用‼】黒糖抹茶ミルク Brown sugar Matcha Milk



セイロンティー Ceylon Black Tea


ピーチティー Peach Ceylon Black Tea


マンゴーティー Mango Ceylon Black Tea


イチゴティー Strawberry Ceylon Black Tea


【オススメ‼】たっぷり果実ティー Mix Fruits Ceylon Black Tea



カルピス Calpico


ピーチカルピス Peach Calpico


マンゴーカルピス Mango Calpico


ラムネカルピス Ramune Calpico



アップルジュース Apple Juice


マンゴージュース Mango Juice


At Wolt, we provide a shopping concierge service that offers a selection of restaurants available for your orders. Through this service, Wolt places orders and delivers on behalf of customers. You can enjoy food from popular restaurants that offer takeout services. Restaurants eligible for this service are marked with a star in the top left corner of their photo. While we strive to provide excellent delivery experiences, there may be instances where deliveries cannot be completed within the expected arrival times due to the restaurant’s circumstances. If ordered items become unavailable after you place an order, Wolt's support team will promptly contact you. This product is purchased by Wolt Market Japan K.K. from the restaurants under its own name and resold to users. There is no contract, cooperative relationship, or partnership between Wolt and the restaurant

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新宿区歌舞伎町1-19-1 新宿東宝ビル 1F

160-0021 Tokyo

See map

Delivery times

WoltTokyoRestaurants | TokyoPearl Lady Shinjuku Toho Building