Dobraya Pharmacy №7 Mailin

Dobraya Pharmacy has been operating in Almaty since 1995. Today it is an extensive network of stores and an online pharmacy, where you can order around the clock. Medicines, health and beauty products, and cosmetics can be ordered for delivery throughout the city.

Кровезаменители и растворы

Кровезаменители и растворы

KZT 5,417

БЕНЕВРОН Б 3мл N5 р-р д/ин

KZT 17,270

ЕЗАФОСФИНА 100мл N1 р-р д/в/в введ

KZT 750

КАЛИЯ ХЛОРИД 40мг/мл 10мл N10 конц д/р-ра д/инф

KZT 543

ЛИДОКАИНА ГИДРОХЛОРИД 1% 3.5мл N5 р-р д/ин

KZT 195

НАТРИЯ ХЛОРИД 0.9% 100мл р-р д/инф

KZT 520

НОВОКАИН 0.5% 2мл N10 р-р д/ин

Dobraya Pharmacy has been operating in Almaty since 1995. Today it is an extensive network of stores and an online pharmacy, where you can order around the clock. Medicines, health and beauty products, and cosmetics can be ordered for delivery throughout the city.

See similar stores


ул. Майлина, 218

050000 Almaty

See map

Delivery times
