What is Wolt?

February 13, 2025
What is Wolt, and how does it work? We’re answering the nine most popular questions about our service 🕺🏻 Didn’t find your question? Feel free to write our support team in chat – we’ll find a solution to any problem 💪🏻
What is Wolt?

How do I place an order?
We accept orders through our app or on wolt.com. Download the app, choose meals, groceries, and more, place your order – and we’ll take care of the rest!

Can I pay with cash?
Yes, cash payments are available on Wolt! 💥 Setting it up is easy: select your favorite dishes, proceed to checkout – and in the “Payment methods” section, choose cash. No cards needed! And the best part – you’ll pay only after your order is delivered. Our courier partner will accept the payment, so make sure you have the exact amount in cash (no bank transfers 😉). The maximum order amount for cash payments is 15,000 KZT.

Why does Wolt charge my card right away?
When you place an order, the amount is NOT charged immediately. It is only held on your account until you receive the order. Once the courier completes the delivery, the amount is finalized and charged.

Can I send a package through Wolt?
Packages, letters, and notes – that’s not what we do. We focus on delivering food and other goods, and we do it very, very well. But who knows what the future holds? 😉

Why is my order taking so long?
Every situation is different. Sometimes, a venue needs extra time to prepare the order, or a courier might get stuck in traffic. In such cases, our support heroes will notify you of any delays. We appreciate your patience and understanding 🙏🏻

Why was my order rejected?
Issues with the tablet, connectivity problems, missing ingredients, or a busy kitchen – there are hundreds of possible reasons. Our support team closely monitors all rejected orders, so if your order didn’t go through, expect a message from us soon! 🕺🏻

What are credits?
Credits are virtual money in our app that you can use to pay for orders. You can get them using promo codes, but only once. Tip! Don’t use promo codes from other countries. We can’t convert credits in euros, even if we really want to 🙈

Is my address within the delivery zone?
Актуальную зону доставки вы можете найти в нашем приложении. Если мы ещё не с вами — скоро будем! 🚀

Something’s wrong with my order. What should I do?
No worries! Just write to us in the support chat: we’ll help, solve the issue, and support you! To contact us, open your account page in the app and select "Get help". We’ll be waiting 💙