Charlie Pizza (Vilnius Airport)

Charlie Pizza - delicious discoveries! You will find the restaurant at boarding gate A15 in the Schengen area

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Padėkite saugoti gamtą - įrankius pridėkite tik kai jų tikrai reikia 💚


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Vaikiškas meniu




Charlie Pizza - for everyone who loves pizza and light snacks, adores modernity, but at the same time returns to cozy and modern tastes | This restaurant is owned and operated by UAB „Amber Food“ who is responsible for the sold products. All information about the sold products is provided by the restaurant. This restaurant is owned and operated by the licensed restaurant. The products are sold by the restaurant (not Wolt) and the restaurant is responsible for the sold products. All information about the products is provided by the restaurant


Rodūnios kl.2

LT-02188 Vilnius

See map

Delivery times

MondayAll day
TuesdayAll day
WednesdayAll day
ThursdayAll day
FridayAll day
SaturdayAll day
SundayAll day