
Rimi Express (Didžioji g.)

Tomorrow’s shopping experience today || This online shop is owned and operated by UAB Rimi Lietuva who is responsible for the sold products. All information about the sold products is provided by the retailer.

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  • Popular

Bananai, 1 kg


Bananai I Love Eco kg


Konservuotas šunų ėdalas su kalakutiena ir morkomis padaže PEDIGREE, 4 vnt. x 100 g

400 g€4.73/kg

Vyriškos odinės pirštinės MYWEAR, M - XL, AW24

1 pc€9.00/pc

Žalios arbatos milteliai VIFON MATCHA, 50 g

50 g€77.80/kg

Most ordered


Bananai, 1 kg


Mažieji slyviniai pomidorai RIMI 1 klasė, 250 g

250 g€5.56/kg

Lietuviškas ilgavaisis agurkas RIMI, 1 vnt

1 pc€1.69/pc

Obuoliai PAULA RED 65+mm, 1 kl., 1 kg


Citrinos Enterdonato, C 3/4, 1 kl., 1 kg


Studentų maistas ARIMEX PREMIUM, 300 g

300 g€21.97/kg

Pomidorų gabaliukai su baziliku RIMI, 400 g

400 g€4.38/kg

Kukurūzų trapučiai su bananų skonio glaistu USTUKIŲ MALŪNAS, 90 g

90 g€18.33/kg

Džiovintos datulės be kauliukų RIMI, 200 g

200 g€10.95/kg

Juodosios HOJIBLANCA alyvuogės be kauliukų RIMI, 350 g / 150 g

150 g€11.93/kg

We strive for as many products as possible to come only from sustainable farms and growers who can ensure the freshest and highest quality products || This online shop is owned and operated by UAB Rimi Lietuva who is responsible for the sold products. All information about the sold products is provided by the retailer. This online shop is owned and operated by the licensed retailer. The products are sold by the retailer (not Wolt) and the retailers is responsible for the sold products. All information about the products is provided by the retailer.

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Didžioji g. 28

LT-01128 Vilnius

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