Healthy and Pure Products

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Most ordered

Main of the day - (check www.happ.lu - specials of the day)



Sourdough toast with avocado

Avec avocat, tomate cerise, ciboulette et huile de citron, sel, poivre et piment


Soup of the day (check www.happ.lu - specials of the day)

Servi avec du pain et du hummus https://www.happ.lu/specials-of-the-day


Big Combo wit main of the day (check www.happ.lu - specials of the day)

Plat principal et soupe du jour https://www.happ.lu/specials-of-the-day


Combo: soup and zucchini toast

Toast multigrains et petite soupe du jour


Happ Salad

Épinards, rucola, mangue, avocat, concombre, carottes, poivron rouge, herbes fraîches, mélange de noix de cajou et vinaigrette aux cacahuètes


Green curry bowl

Légumes variés, pois chiches, pâte de curry vert maison au lait de coco, riz brun et herbes fraîches


1 Peanut butter and 1 Matcha Energy Ball

Vegan Energy balls, contain: nuts



Orange, carotte, citron, gingembre


Mexican Bowl

Salade mixte, riz brun, haricots noirs épicés, maïs doux, poivron rouge rôti, tomate, oignon rouge mariné et coriandre. Garni de nachos et de guacamole, de vinaigrette au citron et de chili


Green Juice

Epinards, rucola, avocat, pomme, gingembre, citron


Sourdough toast with chicken and mango

Avec poulet, mangue, herbes fraîches et sauce épicée aux cacahuètes, graines de sésame, sel, poivre et piment


Ginger Shot


Red Juice

Betterave, mélange de baies, pomme et orange


Sourdough toast with beetroot hummus and feta cheese

Avec du houmous de betterave, de la feta, de la ciboulette, de l'huile d'olive, du sel, du poivre et du chili



Light bag

This bag includes all meals for a day. Helps you lose weight while feeling good. The package is tailored to keep your blood sugar in balance and stimulate digestion. Ideal when you need to shred a few pounds and build up your energy. The Light Bag includes: Breakfast - our homemade granola with vegetal milk and fresh fruits Ginger shot to boost your energy in the morning Green Smoothie Light salad for lunch Snack for afternoon ( sesame bar or mix of nuts) Soup for the evening


Healthy Bag

We believe in balance without extremes and know that the foundation for good health is good nutrition. Choose this package if you want to eat a healthy diet from pure ingredients. We warn you: you can expect less desire for sweet things, more energy during the day and increased leisure time when we take care of your meals! Includes all meals for the day: Breakfast - our homemade granola with vegetal milk and fresh fruits Ginger shot to boost your energy in the morning Green Smoothie Our main of the day (vegetarian or with chicken + 4,20€ or Fish + 5,20€ - Fish is available on Tuesdays and Wednesdays only) Healthy dessert Snack for afternoon ( sesame bar or mix of nuts) Soup with bread and hummus for the evening


Work Bag

You have breakfast and dinner at home and we take care of your nutrition for the rest of the day. In the Work Bag you can find: Main of the day ( vegetarian with chicken + 4.20€ or Fish + 5.20€ - Fish is available on Tuesdays and Wednesdays only) Green Smoothie Ginger shot Snack (sesame bar or mix of nuts)


Day Bag

If you don’t crave the food in the morning and you prefer to skip breakfast or just have a smoothie the Day Bag will be a perfect solution. It includes balanced and colorful meals for a day. Order In the day Bag you can find: Ginger Shot to boost your energy Green smoothie Our Main of the day for lunch (vegetarian, with chicken + 4,20€ or Fish + 5,20€- Fish is available on Tuesdays and Wednesdays only) Two types of snack (mix of nuts, sesame bar or fresh fruit) Soup with bread and hummus



Main of the day - (check www.happ.lu - specials of the day)




Soup of the day (check www.happ.lu - specials of the day)

Servi avec du pain et du hummus https://www.happ.lu/specials-of-the-day



Big Combo wit main of the day (check www.happ.lu - specials of the day)

Plat principal et soupe du jour https://www.happ.lu/specials-of-the-day



Happ Salad

Épinards, rucola, mangue, avocat, concombre, carottes, poivron rouge, herbes fraîches, mélange de noix de cajou et vinaigrette aux cacahuètes


Big Combo: soup with Happ Salad

Salade et soupe du jour


Happ Pizza

Multigrain cracker topped with red pesto, spinach, rucola, mix of fresh and grilled veggies, cashew nuts and sunflower seeds



Sourdough toast with avocado

Avec avocat, tomate cerise, ciboulette et huile de citron, sel, poivre et piment



Sourdough toast with beetroot hummus and feta cheese

Avec du houmous de betterave, de la feta, de la ciboulette, de l'huile d'olive, du sel, du poivre et du chili


Sourdough toast with chicken and mango

Avec poulet, mangue, herbes fraîches et sauce épicée aux cacahuètes, graines de sésame, sel, poivre et piment


Sourdough toast with zucchini, goat cheese and walnuts

Avec courgettes grillées, moutarde, fromage de chèvre crémeux, noix et miel, grenade, ciboulette, sel, poivre et piment


Combo: soup and zucchini toast

Toast multigrains et petite soupe du jour



Combo: soup and avocado toast


Combo: soup and Beetroot hummus and feta cheese toast


Combo: soup and chicken - mango toast

Toast multigrains et petite soupe du jour



Mexican Bowl

Salade mixte, riz brun, haricots noirs épicés, maïs doux, poivron rouge rôti, tomate, oignon rouge mariné et coriandre. Garni de nachos et de guacamole, de vinaigrette au citron et de chili


Indian Bowl

Légumes verts mélangés, riz, pois verts, lentilles, flocons de noix de coco, carottes rôties, coriandre fraîche. Garni de radis, d'oignons marinés, d'une tranche de citron, de vinaigrette au citron, de sel, de poivre et de piment


Green curry bowl

Légumes variés, pois chiches, pâte de curry vert maison au lait de coco, riz brun et herbes fraîches


Combo: soup with Mexican bowl


Combo: soup with Indian bowl



Mediterranean Bowl

Mélange de légumes verts, falafel, tomates cerises, courgettes et aubergines grillées, houmous de betterave, tzatziki, dukkah, vinaigrette au citron, sel, poivre et piment


Bowl Happ

Salades mélangées, quinoa, carottes, zeste d'agrumes, huile d'olive, concombre, graines de sésame, pommes, betteraves, pesto de tomates séchées, mangue, poivron rouge, vinaigrette au citron, sel, poivre et piment.


Combo: soup with vegan happ bowl


Combo: soup with Mediterranean bowl



Bread and Happ Hummus


Bread and Beetroot Hummus


Slice of bread


Extra Hummus


Extra Sauce



Chocolate - cashew nut cake

Vegan and gluten free chocolate cake, dates instead of sugar, served with cashew cream and raspberry sauce, contains: nuts


Carrot Cake

Vegan carrot cake served with cashew cream and raspberry sauce, contains: nuts



Gluten free brownie, served with cashew cream and raspberry sauce, contains: almonds


1 Peanut butter and 1 Matcha Energy Ball

Vegan Energy balls, contain: nuts


Oatmeal cookie

vegan, Contains: traces of gluten and nuts


Raspberry and Blueberry Frozen Raw Cake

Vegan, contains: nuts




Orange, carotte, citron, gingembre


Green Juice

Epinards, rucola, avocat, pomme, gingembre, citron


Red Juice

Betterave, mélange de baies, pomme et orange


Ginger Shot


Ginger and Turmeric Shot


Still water



Healthy and Pure Products

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44 Av. John F. Kennedy, 1855 Neudorf-Weimershof Luxembourg

1855 Luxembourg

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