Biobizz microbes 150g is a complete consortium of microorganisms, enzymes, and beneficial fungi that stimulates the process of germination and initial seedling growth, and helps the flowering stage. It improves the flow and uptake of essential nutrients as well as the final yield. This microorganisms consortium has great benefits for the plant rhizosphere, increasing the useful surface of the roots. This translates to a higer and better absorption of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and micro nutrients during all the development stages of the plant. Moreover, the chosen microorganisms are great promoters of phytohormones, like indole-3-acetic acid and gibberellins. Bacteria Biobizz microbes 150g is a super concentrated product. It contains a selection of 4 of the most beneficial bacteria for recovering substrates. These bacteria improve the vegetal nutrition process, hormone promotion, root tissue growth, and solubilization of nutrients like phosphorus in its greatest proportion. This translates into an increase of productivity and yield quality. Enzymes The enzymes in biobizz microbes 150g have an instant catalyzation effect of organic nutrients, creating free amino acids in the growing media and therefore increasing the activity and effect of the active microorganisms. These components "Unlock" the protein chains provided by the fertilizers. In this way, the enzymes increase the colonization speed of the substrate microorganisms, as well as the quick catalyzation of nutrients for their quick absorption. Therefore, enzymes are the perfect complement for the beneficial substrate microorganisms, creating a healthy and productive ecosystem