General information:
Cap-base: gu10
Eu rohs compliant: yes
Nominal lifetime: 15000 h
Switching cycle: 50000x
Flux measurement reference: narrow cone
Light technical:
Color code: 830
Beam angle: 36
Luminous flux: 460lm
Luminous intensity: 800 cd
Color designation: white
Correlated color temperature: 3000K
Luminous efficacy: 93.00lm/w
Color consistency: <6
Color rendering index: 80
Llmf at end of nominal lifetime: 70 %
Luminous flux in 90 cone: 460lm
Operating and electrical:
Input frequency: 50 to 60Hz
Power: 4,9W
Lamp current: 40 ma
Wattage equivalent: 65W
Starting time: 0,5s
Warm up time to 60% light (nom): 0,5s
Power factor: 0.5
Voltage: 220-240V
T-case maximum: 85 c
Controls and dimming:
Dimmable: no
Approval and application:
Energy efficiency class: e
Suitable for accent lighting: yes
Energy consumption kWh/1000 h: 5kWh
Eprel registration number: 438111