Logħba bilingwi bejn il-familjari u l-ħbieb F’din il-logħba oriġinali, kull plejer jieħu kard mill-mazz tan-nofs, li fiha jkun hemm frażi li titlob mill-plejers l-oħra li jagħtu lista b’numru partikolari ta’ affarijiet. Is-suġġetti huma varji. Il-plejers l-oħrajn iridu jgħajtu din il-lista partikolari f’10 sekondi mill-mument li jingħafas il-bażer biex itellfu l-kard lill-plejer. Bil-kards li jibqgħu f’idejn il-plejer, dan irid jgħaqqad disinn ta’ sitt jew disa’ kaxxi, basta t-truf tal-kaxxi jaqblu! Min mill-plejers jirnexxilu jgħaqqad is-sett kollu l-ewwel, jirbaħ. logħba li tkabbar it-tagħrif ġenerali tal-plejers tgħin fil-komunikazzjoni bejn il-plejers u l-kollaborazzjoni fi grupp logħba li tqanqal il-plejers jaħsbu u anke jfittxu mill-internet jew mill-kotba għal dik l-informazzjoni li ma jkunux jafu il-ħoss tal-bażer tal-10 sekondi jżid fl-eċitament tal-logħba sakemm il-plejers jagħtu l-listi mitluba logħba ideali għal studenti barranin li qed jibdew jitgħallmu l-Malti u viċeversa f’din il-logħba jispikka l-element Malti fil-listi mitluba fil-kards il-kontenut 198 kard, bażer ta’ 10 sekondi, żewġ kards bl-istruzzjonijiet – Għaqqad 6 jew 9 kards flimkien biex tirbaħ… imma l-ewwel irid jirnexxilek takkwista l-kards filwaqt li tagħmel minn kollox biex ma tħallix lil sħabek ilestu qablek! Match 6 or 9 cards together to win… but first, you need to get your hands on the cards while making sure not to let your friends beat you to it! Bis-sehem tal-Aġenzija Nazzjonali tal-Litteriżmu 2-6 plejers età 7+ Bilingual game between family and friends In this original game, each player takes a card from the middle bunch, in which there is a phrase to request from the other players who give a list with a particular number of things. The topics are varied. The other players have to shout this particular list within 10 seconds of the moment the baser is pressed to distract the card to the player. With cards remaining in the hands of the player, he must combine a design of six or nine boxes, provided the edges of the boxes match! Whoever of the players manages to put together the whole set first, wins. game that enlarges players' general knowledge help with communication between players and group collaboration A game that prompts players to think and even search from the internet or books for that information they don't know the sound of the 10-second basin increases in the excitement of the game until players give the requested lists an ideal game for foreign students starting to learn Maltese and vice versa in this game stands out the Maltese element in the lists requested in the cards Content 198 cards, 10-second base, two cards with instructions – Combine 6 or 9 cards together to win... but you must first manage to acquire the cards while doing your best not to let your friends complete before you!Match 6 or 9 cards together to win... but first, you need to get your hands on the cards while making sure not to let your friends beat you to it! With the participation of the National Literacy Agency 2-6 players Age 7