Learn to read and write in 3 ways Children put the word puzzles together in the little houses, write words using the moveable letters then practice writing them themselves with the pen provided. The game is inspired by the Montessori three-period method. This game draws on the Montessori three-period method, using play-based learning to build a child's language and give them a head start in reading and writing their first words. Maria Montessori used the three-period method to introduce new concepts, like new words, shapes, colours, sounds etc. and it is especially recommended for early learning. Working with very young children, a first approach to the game and the materials is possible because from that age they will already be absorbing information from their environment and the people around them with whom they will be beginning to communicate. In this game, the three-period method aids word recognition, concept memorisation, writing and reading. Learning to write using the three-period method Three different forms of play are possible with the material provided in the box, both individually and in groups. In the first step, encourage the children to play individually to help them progress at their own speed and in a natural way