0 € delivery fee with Wolt+
Bratislava Dúbravka
Groceries to your doorstep. Delivered.
I always get more.
Delia Štefana Králika
Tasty pastry of all kinds!
More than 800 exotic foods, drinks and fresh fruits and vegetables from the Far East, everything you've ever been looking for to prepare delicious "Asian foods"!
Rhapis - kytice, kvety a darčeky pre všetky sviatky.
Super zoo - with love for pets. | Pet supplies
Kancelárske potreby pre vaše každodenné úlohy 📓🖊️
Všetko pre Váš mobil na bežný deň aj na cesty 📱🏎️
Vinárstvo Levice patrí k popredným producentom vín v Nitrianskej vinohradníckej oblasti.
Mäso Pressburg Pribišova
Chceme, aby ľudia vnímali erotiku rovnako ako my - ako stredobod spájajúci zdravie, fungujúce partnerské vzťahy a radosť.
Dotyk Stredomoria priamo na jazyku 🍖🧀🥂 Vychutnajte si to najlepšie z prímoria južnej Európy
Autentická talianská kuchyňa
I'm lovin' it
Váš strýko burger, kvalita pre kvalitných !🍔🍟
Bohaté misky plné nápaditých a vyvážených chutí!
Široká ponuka mäsitých aj bezmäsitých jedál, klasickej slovenskej kuchyne či grilovaných jedál.
The best chicken in the world, since 1952. It will be fine.
Our restaurant is your place for good food!
Vietnamese street food
The best Vietnamese cuisine to your home 😍 🥢
Meticulously prepared & delicious kebab. 🥙🌯
Fast food restaurant with French charm
Orim restaurant
Traditional dishes, XXL pancakes, burgers ...
We cook daily for you! Delicious lunch menu.
Delicious pizza 🍕 made from fresh ingredients 🍅
Great street food from Regal Burger
Stay cheesy!
Indian restaurant
Len tie najčerstvejšie ryby a suroviny
Odteraz v ponuke aj pizza 🍕😍!
🌵Fresh Mexican food 😍
For premium coffee lovers ☕, who wish to enjoy their daily dose of energy from the comfort of their home 🛋️ or directly from their office 🏦! Why use the kettle, when you can enjoy your favorite coffee, sandwich 🥪 or dessert 🍰 anywhere you are! Order now and enjoy the special coffee experience delivered right to your doorstep! 🛵!
A real taste of Vietnam straight ahead to your home 🥢🦐
Have our tasty kebab & pizza delivered to your home 🌯
Temptation from Turkey - so tasty & fresh! 🥙🍕🌯
Delicious and healthy.
Delicious pizza straight from the hot oven. 🍕
Pizza, pasta, street food and seasonal dishes with a modern touch.
A place where we have excellent burgers, good coffee and desserts too. 🍔☕🥧
Iconic flavors of Pizza Hut in a new form.
Mexican specialties like in Mexico.