Burger - Prešov
I'm lovin' it
A new burger restaurant where you can get an honest burger made from fresh and local ingredients right in the heart of Šariš. That's Echt Burger Prešov! 🍔
Vyber si u nás tu správnu porciu kebabu 😉
Premium Street-food bistro
Burger 🍔 wrap 🌯 hot dog 🌭 and other
Great homemade burgers from high-quality ingredients.
A hundred people, a hundred Tusi.
The best kebab in your city!😋
Ochutnajte pravý turecký kebab v Prešove 🌯
Crispyto - your fried chicken. 🍗
Nemáš dnes chuť variť?👨🍳 Príď ochútnať našu poctivú kuchyňu a dopraj si k tomu čapované pivko.🍺
Tasty traditional dishes like from grandma.
Tasty breakfast, lunch or dinner😋
Your original street pizza, delicious burger, crispy wrap or healthy salad - all of it just like you like it 🍕🍔
In American style.
🌭Rebierka, tatarák, burgre, aj klobásky- všetko pre milovníkov mäsa🍔
Taste a proper Turkish kebab in Prešov 🌯