Tuš drogerija Kranj

Pamper yourself with more than 8,000 care, personal hygiene and home products!

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  • Popular
  • 5 left

Darilni set Naomi Campbnell, Signature, ženski, edt 15 ml, losjon za telo 50 ml

  • 3 left

Zobna ščetka Philips, Sonicare, HX3651/13


Detergent za pomivanje posode Lemon, Jar (450 ml)

  • 5 left

Gel za prhanje ognjič, Ilirija 1908 (230 ml)

  • 1 left

Krema za roke Natura Siberica, Sibirska perunika, 75 ml

Most ordered


Flips Lino Baby 25 g


Otroški vlažilni robčki Soft Care, Violeta (72 kosov)

  • 5 left

Darilni set Naomi Campbnell, Signature, ženski, edt 15 ml, losjon za telo 50 ml

  • 1 left

Zobna ščetka Aquafresh, little teeth, 3-5 let

  • 6 left

Mehčalec Frosch Baby 750 ml

Pamper yourself with more than 8,000 care, personal hygiene and home products! If an ordered item is out of stock, its value will be automatically refunded. All reclamations should be dealt within the same day as the delivery was completed.


Koroška cesta 4

4000 Kranj

See map

Delivery times
