Gifts - Ljubljana
A gift no one will forget - a gift card for delivery from 900+ restaurants and shops in Slovenia
Dostava svežih živil v 30 minutah. Na voljo vse dni v tednu. Če naletite na težave z izdelkom ali ga niste prejeli, vas prosimo, da nas o tem nemudoma obvestite. Hvala vam za razumevanje in zaupanje. V želji po bolj zelenem in ekološko usmerjenem poslovanju vas obveščamo, da od 6.11. 2024 vse račune pošiljamo izključno po elektronski pošti. S tem korakom želimo zmanjšati uporabo papirja in prispevati k ohranjanju okolja. V primeru, da ste ob naročilu v komentar zapisali zahtevo za račun na ime podjetja, bomo prvi poslani račun razveljavili in vam poslali nov, ustrezno prilagojen račun (lahko pride do dneva ali dveh zamika). Prosimo za razumevanje, saj si prizadevamo za natančnost in zadovoljstvo naših strank. Ekološko dejavnost kontrolira SI-EKO-002.
Flowers and gifts
Original gifts and a variety of fresh flowers in one place
It's time for a higher standard of gift giving
Unique flower bouquets and beautiful potted plants
Unique flower bouquets and beautiful potted plants
Affordable real diamond jewelry and art
The place where all games clash!
Fashion jewelry and perfect gifts
Give an unforgettable experience!
An excellent choice for gifting your loved ones
Unique flower bouquets and beautiful potted plants
The best selection of modern Slovenian products in one place. Combed and supported by stories about the authors.
Trusted products for your little ones
Welcome to the land of desserts
The best gifts for all occasions in one place
Products that bring an authentic taste of Naples
Super fast delivery of gifts and cosmetics - from toys, technical accessories to top-quality cosmetics
Carefully curated range of accessories that will brighten your day.
Gifts for you and your loved ones
Everything in one place
Mobile, TV and internet packages - join the best
Hungry for a game?
Everything for balance, well-being, and positive energy
Carefully selected gifts for various occasions
Fun fragrant products to uplift your mood
Where fun knows no limits
Designing personalized gift packages for birthdays and other occasions. Selected gourmet and premium products wrapped as a gift with a personal touch and delivered as a surprise.
The place where all games clash!