Grocery - Ljubljana
Dostava svežih živil v 30 minutah. Na voljo vse dni v tednu. Če naletite na težave z izdelkom ali ga niste prejeli, vas prosimo, da nas o tem nemudoma obvestite. Hvala vam za razumevanje in zaupanje. V želji po bolj zelenem in ekološko usmerjenem poslovanju vas obveščamo, da od 6.11. 2024 vse račune pošiljamo izključno po elektronski pošti. S tem korakom želimo zmanjšati uporabo papirja in prispevati k ohranjanju okolja. V primeru, da ste ob naročilu v komentar zapisali zahtevo za račun na ime podjetja, bomo prvi poslani račun razveljavili in vam poslali nov, ustrezno prilagojen račun (lahko pride do dneva ali dveh zamika). Prosimo za razumevanje, saj si prizadevamo za natančnost in zadovoljstvo naših strank. Ekološko dejavnost kontrolira SI-EKO-002.
A wide and varied selection of products to satisfy every customer
Choose amongst more then 5000 grocery and non-grocery items!
Quick and easy purchase of groceries - also open on Sundays and holidays!
Fresh and local range of products
Grocery store with a long-standing tradition
The Heart of Asian Cuisine
A piece of Russian tradition in Ljubljana
Your vegan shop
Eco-friendly essentials for a healthier lifestyle
The best choice
Our brands. Our bakery
A wide and varied selection of products to satisfy every customer
A wide and varied selection of products to satisfy every customer
A wide and varied selection of products to satisfy every customer
A wide and varied selection of products to satisfy every customer
A wide and varied selection of products to satisfy every customer
Eco-friendly essentials for a healthier lifestyle
Small bakery with a big soul that takes no shortcuts when it comes to their products
Logo petrol stations, retail and other services