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Best offers
🎁☃️VÄGA PIIRATUD KOGUS! Kinkekomplekt (väike, 6tk)
Kinkekomplektis 6 erinevat TEE Mixi : *Ingveri-sirduni *Hõõgveini maitseline *Astelpaju-apelsin *Jõhvika-apelsin *Pohl-hibiskus Ideaalne kingituseks, kes oskab hinnata puhtaid ja häid maitseid
12,90 €
🎁☃️VÄGA PIIRATUD KOGUS! Kinkekomplekt (suur, 12tk)
Kinkekomplektis 2 korda 6 erinevat TEE Mixi : *Ingveri-sirduni *Hõõgveini maitseline *Astelpaju-apelsin *Jõhvika-apelsin *Pohl-hibiskus Ideaalne kingituseks, kes oskab hinnata puhtaid ja häid maitseid
21,90 €
Poke tuunikala ja hiidkrevettidega
LÕUNAPAKKUMINE (E-R 11:00-14:00)! Riis, tuunikalafilee, Unagi kaste, hiidkrevett, mais, Edamame oad, merevetikasalat, seesamiseemned
13,70 €
Poke vürtsika lõhe ja lumekrabiga
LÕUNAPAKKUMINE (E-R 11:00-14:00) ! Riis, lõhefilee, terav kaste, lumekrabi, mais, Edamame oad, merevetikasalat
13,70 €
Tempura maki (8 pc)
194. Noggano
Inside the hit roll you will find smoked eel, giant prawns and cream cheese, fly fish and avocado, on the outside the roll is covered with crispy tempura, breadcrumbs and Unagi sauce
13,40 €
195. Buta tempura
Inside the Buta tempura you will find a nice bacon, cream cheese and fresh pepper and frillice salad with a spicy sauce, the outdoor pot covers a roll with crispy tempura breadcrumbs
11,10 €
153. Tempura Hidori
In the spicy and hot Hidor, fresh tuna fillet and snow crab meet and top with a roll of tempura and Unagi sauce
11,30 €
152. Tempura Philadelphia
In this legendary roll, fresh salmon fillet, creamy cream cheese and cucumber and avocado come together on the inside.
12,60 €
333. Vabisabi
The delicious roll of free-standing aid consists of fresh salmon fillet and snow crab and creamy mayonnaise, but on the outside crispy tempura and Unagi sauce
13,50 €
154. Tempura Singi-juustu
The inside of this crackling and sharp roll is made up of ham and cheese, and the outside is covered with tempura and Unagi sauce.
10,40 €
196. Amerika
The roll, loved by many, contains smoked eel and salmon fillets, cream cheese and flatfish, the outside is covered with tempura breadcrumbs
13,50 €
166. Edem
Edem rolls are filled with giant prawns on the inside, cheese and hot sauce, and tempura and Unagi sauce on the outside
11,30 €
199. Pokemon
Pleasantly crispy tempura roll with salmon fillet, complemented by cucumber, cream cheese and squid. A little flavor is added with Unagi sauce.
13,50 €
159. Tokyo
Kas on raske valida lõhe ja tuunikala vahel? Nüüd ei pea seda tegema, sest oleme ühendanud just sellesse mõnusasse krõpmsuvasse rulli mõlema kala hõrgu maitse. Maitsed seob üheks toorjuust ja veidi värskust pakub ka murulauk.