EMMOI Authentic Vietnamese Cuisine

Maukkaita aasialaisia annoksia

Ruokalistan kieli on englanti. Haluatko kokeilla automaattista käännöstä toiselle kielelle? Käännökset ovat koneen tekemiä, ja niissä on virheitä ja kaikenlaista pientä outoa – mutta saanet kuitenkin jonkin käsityksen annoksista!


Special offer comes from the restaurant with limited time and quantity. Seasonal dishes. Hurry up to place an order when it's out!

GA CHIEN GION FILE - Crispy chicken fillet

NEW.. MUST TRY!! Tasty big and golden crispy chicken thigh fillet with homemade secret recipes served with salad, sauce.

16,90 €


Com ga chien gion - crispy chicken served with rice and salad

fresh and homemade chicken thigh fillet served with rice and salad.

17,90 €


Com ga chua ngot - Sweet and sour chicken rice

NEWWWW!! MUST TRY! fresh chicken fillet has been marinated in a day and prepared with amazing homemade sweet and sour sauce, served with rice!

17,90 €



Seasonal dishes that are special for cold weather

C8 Ca Hoi Kho To - Caramelized salmon in claypot

Caramelized salmon in claypot served with rice. A signature dish of Emmoi with fresh Salmon and authentic flavor of Caramelized dishes of Western Vietnam.

21,90 €

CARI CA HOI - Salmon curry 🌶️

Amazing and authentic curry in Vietnamese style with coconut milk, carrots, potatoes, lemongrass. You can choose the main protein, such as: Salmon, beef, chicken, or tofu (not Vegan version). Served with rice or Banh mi, it’s your choice! Mild spicy 🌶️

21,90 €

Ca Hoi nuong - grilled salmon

You will have a great new experience when trying Grilled salmon in Vietnamese style served with rice. A signature dish of Emmoi. Salmon is marinated with lemongrass and five spices will bring you the best Salmon you’ve ever tasted!

21,90 €

CARI GA - chicken curry 🌶️

Amazing and authentic curry in Vietnamese style with coconut milk, carrots, potatoes, lemongrass. You can choose the main protein, such as: Salmon, beef, chicken, or tofu (not Vegan version). Served with rice or Banh mi, it’s your choice! Mild spicy 🌶️

19,90 €

CARI BO - Beef curry 🌶️

Amazing and authentic curry in Vietnamese style with coconut milk, carrots, potatoes, lemongrass. You can choose the main protein, such as: Salmon, beef, chicken, or tofu (not Vegan version). Served with rice or Banh mi, it’s your choice! Mild spicy 🌶️

20,90 €

CARI DAU HU - tofu and veggie curry (not vegan) 🌶️

Amazing and authentic curry in Vietnamese style with coconut milk, carrots, potatoes, lemongrass. You can choose the main protein, such as: Salmon, beef, chicken, or tofu (not Vegan version). Served with rice or Banh mi, it’s your choice! Mild spicy 🌶️

20,90 €

Goi Cuon - Summer Rolls

(6 Kpl) all summer rolls are served with letture, carrot, cucumber, herbs, vermicelli, sweet and sour fish sauce, coriander.

Gc2 Goi Cuon Tom

Prawn summer rolls

16,90 €


Gc6 Goi Cuon Dac Biet Special Summer Rolls

prawn, grilled pork

16,90 €

Goi - Salad

G2 Salad Tron Bo - Beef Salad

Beef salad beef, letture, carrot, cucumber, herbs, peanuts, sweet and sour fish sauce, dried shallot

17,90 €

G3 Goi Tom Tap Tang - Prawn mixed salad

Prawn mixed salad prawn mixed salad, cucumber, carrot, herbs, peanuts, sweet and sour fish sauce, dried shallot

18,90 €

G1 Goi Ga Tam Ky - Chicken Cabbage Salad

Vietnamese chicken, cabbage, carrot, cucumber, herbs, peanuts sweet and sour fish sauce, dried shallot

17,90 €

Bun - Rice Vermicelli

If you want 100 % gluten free, please request no dried shallot. The rest of ingredients are gluten free. For all soup vermicelli/noodles, if you choose cold packing, please use a pot to reheat the soup to boil, then add noodles and topping, let the soup boiled again and then enjoy!

B1 Bun Thit Nuong Sai Gon - Saigon Grilled Pork Vermicelli

The best seller: grilled pork, vermicelli, letture, cucumber, carrot, dried shallot, peanuts, coriander, sweet and sour fish sauce

18,90 €

B2 Bun Bo Nam Bo - The Southern Beef Vermicelli

Popular: stir fried beef, vermicelli, bean sprouts, letture, cucumber, carrot shallot, peanuts, coriander, sweet and sour fish sauce

19,90 €

B3 Bun Cha Ha Noi - Hanoi Grilled Pork Vermicelli

Must try. Grilled pork, grilled meat cake, vermicelli, letture, carrot, peanuts, coriander, herbs, vinegar broth.

19,90 €

B5 Bun Cha Gio Tom Thit - Prawn And Pork Springrolls Vermicelli

Most popular. Prawn and pork springrolls served with vermicelli, letture, carrot peanuts, coriander, herbs, sour fish sauce.

18,90 €

B6 Bun Heo Quay Mam Nem Da Nang Da Nang Crispy Pork Belly Vermicelli With Anchovy Paste Sauce.

The best seller. Crispy pork belly, vermicelli, lettuce, bean spouts, cucumber, carrot, dried shallot, peanuts, coriander, anchovy paste sauce.

19,90 €

B7 Bun Dac Biet Emmoi - Emmoi Special Vermicelli

Signature. Grilled pork, prawn and pork springrolls, vermicelli, letture, bean sprouts, cucumber, carrot, dried shallot, peanuts, coriander sweet and sour fish sauce

20,90 €

B8 Bun Ga Ta - Vietnamese Chicken Vermicelli Soup

Vietnamese chicken, vermicelli, bean spouts, chicken broth.

18,90 €

B9 Bun Bo Hue - Hue Beef Noodles soup

The best seller. The signature soup was carefully prepared in slow cook method for one day, serve with beef shank, beef balls, pig trotter, chicken cake, vermicelli, letture, bean sprouts, herbs.

19,90 €

B10 Bun Bo Hue Heo Quay - Special Hue Beef Noodles soup With Crispy Pork Belly

Crispy pork belly beef shank, beef balls, pig trotter, chicken cake, vermicelli, letture, bean sprouts, herbs.

21,90 €

Banh Mi

All banh mi are served with cucumber, vietnamese pickle, pork liver pate, coriander, mayo, sweet chilli sauce

Bm1 Banh Mi Xa xiu - Char siu Banh mi

Best seller! Char siu pork was marinated with 5 sprices and honey, very worth to try!

13,90 €

Bm3 Banh Mi Thit Nuong - Grilled pork Banh mi

Grilled pork

12,90 €

Вм4 Banh Mi Heo Quay Sai Gon - Crispy pork belly banh mi

Crispy pork belly

13,90 €


Homemade special edition of Banh Mi that made from Japanese charcoal. It's a super supplement and very trendy now that helps much in detox, reduces cholesterol.All darkness queen banh mi are served with cucumber, vietnamese pickle, pork liver pate, coriander, mayo, sweet chilli sauce

Dq1 Xa Xiu - Char siu Darkness Queen

Best seller! Char siu pork was marinated with 5 sprices and honey, very worth to try!

13,90 €

Dq3 Thit Nuong - Grilled pork Darkness Queen

Grilled pork darkness queen

13,90 €

Dq4 Heo Quay - Crispy pork belly Darkness Queen

Crispy pork belly darkness queen

14,90 €

Pho Soup

Pho is flat rice noodles. Pho soup is a famous Vietnamese food in the worl. It becomes a traditional dish and a signature of Vietnamese cuisine. Here in Emmoi, Pho broths are made by a slow cooked method for more than 10 hours with fresh bones, herbs and spices.
For all soup vermicelli/noodles, if you choose cold packing, please use a pot to reheat the soup to boil, then add noodles and topping, let the soup boiled again and then enjoy!

Pn1 Pho Bo Tai Lan Ha Noi - Ha noi stir fried beef pho soup

stir fried beef, rice noodles, bean spout, herds

19,90 €


Pn2 Pho Bo Tai lan Bo Vien - Stirred fried Beef and beef balls pho soup

beef, beef balls, rice noodles, bean spout, herds

19,90 €

Pn3 Pho Uc Ga Tay - Finnish chicken fillet pho soup

Finnish chicken fillet, rice noodles, bean spout, herds

18,90 €

Pn4 Pho Ga Ta - Vietnamese chicken pho soup

vietnamese chicken, rice noodles, bean spout herds

18,90 €

Pn5 Pho Thap Cam Dac Biet - Special All - In Pho Soup

Stir fried beef, beef balls, chicken, rice noodles, bean spout, herds

20,90 €

Pho Tron - Pho Mixed Salad

If you want gluten free, please request no dried shallot. The rest of ingredients are gluten free.

Pt1 Pho Tron Bo Xao - Ha noi stir fried beef pho salad

stir fried beef, vermicelli, lettuce, bean spouts, cucumber, carrot, dried shallot, peanuts, coriander, sweet and sour fish sauce

18,90 €

Pt2 Pho Tron Ga Ta - Vietnamese chicken pho salad

vietnamese chicken, pho, letture, bean spouts, cucumber, carrot, dried shallot, peanuts, coriander, sweet and sour fish sauce

18,90 €

Pt3 Pho Tron Uc Ga Tay - Finnish Chicken Fillet Pho Salad

Finnish chicken fillet, pho, letture, bean spouts, cucumber, carrot, dried shallot, peanuts, coriander, sweet and sour fish sauce

18,90 €

Pt4 Pho Tron Thap Cam - Special all-in pho salad

stir fried beef, beef balls, vietnamese chicken, pho, letture, bean spouts, cucumber, carrot, dried shallot, peanuts, coriander, sweet and sour fish sauce

19,90 €

Pho Xao - Wok Pho

All wok pho are served with carot, broccoli, onion. gluten free.

Px1 Pho Xao Ga - Chicken wok Pho

Finnish chicken, rice noodles, broccoli, onions, carrots, dried onions. If you want totally gluten free, please request no dried onions in the comment.

18,90 €

Px2 Pho Xao Bo - Beef wok Pho

Beef, rice noodles, broccoli, onions, carrots, dried onions. If you want totally gluten free, please request no dried onions in the comment.

18,90 €

Px3 Pho Xao Tom - Prawn wok Pho

Prawn, rice noodles, broccoli, onions, carrots, dried onions. If you want totally gluten free, please request no dried onions in the comment.

19,90 €

Mi Xao - Wok Noodles

All wok noodles are served with carot, broccoli, onion. Not gluten free.

Mx1 Mi Xao Ga - Chicken wok noodles

Finnish chicken, egg noodles, broccoli, onions, carrots, dried onions. Not gluten free.

18,90 €

Mx2 Mi Xao Bo - Beef wok noodles

Beef, egg noodles, broccoli, onions, carrots, dried onions. Not gluten free.

18,90 €

Mx3 Mi Xao Tom - Prawn wok noodles

Prawn, egg noodles, broccoli, onions, carrots, dried onions. Not gluten free.

19,90 €


Rice: if you want 100 % gluten free, please request no dried shallot. The rest of ingredients are gluten free.

C1 Com Chien Ga - Chicken fried rice

Chicken fried rice chicken, rice, mixed vegetable, eggs, onion. The egg is mixed with rice so you can’t see the egg clearly. If you don’t eat egg, please note in the comment.

18,90 €

C2 Com Chien Bo - Beef fried rice

beef, rice, mixed vegetable, eggs, onion. The egg is mixed with rice so you can’t see the egg clearly. If you don’t eat egg, please note in the comment.

18,90 €

C3 Com Chien Tom - Prawn fried rice

prawn, mixed vegetable, eggs, onion. The egg is mixed with rice so you can’t see the egg clearly. If you don’t eat egg, please note in the comment.

19,90 €

C4 Com chien Thap Cam - mixed fried rice

Beef, chicken, prawn, rice, mixed vegetable, eggs, onion, dried shallot. The egg is mixed with rice so you can’t see the egg clearly. If you don’t eat egg, please note in the comment.

20,90 €

C5 Com Bo Xao - Stir fried beef served with rice

stired fried beef, rice, broccoli, onions, carrots.

18,90 €

C6 Com thit Heo Kho to - Caramelized pork in clay pot served with rice

caramel pork, steam rice

19,90 €

C9 Com Goi Ga Tam Ky — Tam Ky Chicken Salad Served With Chicken Rice

Chicken rice, vietnamese chicken, cabbage, carrot, herbs, sweet and sour fish sauce

18,90 €

C10 Com Ga Hap Muoi —Salted Steam Chicken Served With Chicken Rice

Salted steam vietnamese chicken, chicken rice, vietnamese chicken, cabbage, carrot, cucumber, herbs, sweet and sour fish sauce

18,90 €

C11 Com Heo Quay Crispy Pork Belly Served With Chicken Rice

Crispy pork belly, chicken rice, salad, carrot, cucumber, herbs, sweet and sour fish sauce

19,90 €

Chay - vegetarian food

Ch1 Goi Cuon Chay - Vegetarian Summer Rolls (6 Kpl)

Tofu or avocado, letture, carrot, cucumber, herbs, sweet and sour soya sauce

16,90 €

Ch2 Banh Mi Chay - Vegetarian Banh Mi

Avocado, tofu, vietnamese pickle, cucumber, coriander, sweet chilli sauce, mayo

13,90 €

Ch3 Pho Xao chay - Vegetarian Wok Pho

Rice noodles, tofu, broccoli, onions, carrot, dried shallot if you want gluten free, please request no dried shallot. The rest of ingredients are gluten—free.

18,90 €

Ch4 Com Chien Chay - Vegetarian Fried Rice

Rice, homemade tofu, carrot, beans, corn, dried shallot. If you want gluten free, please request no dried shallot. The rest of ingredients are gluten—free. Contain eggs. The egg is mixed with rice so you can’t see the egg clearly. If you don’t eat egg, please choose the option without egg.

17,90 €

Ch5 Com Rau Dau Hu Xao - Stir Fried Tofu And Vegetables Served With Rice

Rice , homemade tofu, onions, broccoli, carrot, dried onion

18,90 €

Ch6 Bun Cha Gio Chay - Vegetarian Spring Rolls With Vermicelli

Vegetarian spring rolls, lettuce, carrot, cucumber, herbs, sweet and sour soya sauce. If you want gluten free, please request no dried shallot. The rest of ingredients are gluten—free.

19,90 €

Ch7 Bun Chay Dac Biet - Emmoi Special Vegetarian Vermicelli

Vegetarian spring rolls, avocado, tofu, letture, carrot, cucumber, herbs, sweet and sour soya sauce. If you want gluten free, please request no dried shallot. The rest of ingredients are gluten—free.

19,90 €

Ch8 Com Dau Hu Kho To - Caramel Tofu And Vegetables In clay pot Served With Rice

Rice, homemade tofu, onions, broccoli, carrot, dried onion

19,90 €


Emmoi special trays are the best seller dishes that you shouldn't miss out. The food will be well displayed in a box. All you need for a party is ordering the special tray, and enjoy! Leave the rest for us! The portion is normally for 2 or 3 persons. Preparing time is around 30-40 mins according to the tray you choose.

Sp1 Met Emmoi 5 Mon - Emmoi Tray Of 5 Dishes

The best seller with 5 dishes in a tray portion for 2—3 persons. Included: Tam ky chicken salad, prawn and pork springrolls, grilled pork, golden tofu and vermicelli. If you want 100 % gluten free, please request no dried shallot. The rest of ingredients are gluten—free.

69,00 €

Sp2 Met Emmoi 6 Món

The best seller with 6 dishes in a tray. Portion for 2-3 persons. Beef salad, salted steam chicken, prawn and pork springrolls, crispy pork belly, golden soft tofu, prawn fried rice. If you want 100 % gluten free, please request no dried shallot. The rest of ingredients are gluten-free.

89,00 €

Sp3 Met Emmoi 7 Món

The best seller with 7 dishes in a tray. Portion for 2-3 persons. Tam ky chicken salad ,prawn summer rolls, prawn and pork spring rolls, grilled pork, golden tofu, crispy pork belly, chicken rice. If you want 100 % gluten free, please request no dried shallot. The rest of areredients are gluten-free.

109,90 €


Homemade bubble teas with many choices of milk teas or fruit teas

Tra sua truyen thong - Classic milk tea

Classic milk tea served with tapioca pearls. Lactose free. Cold. Can choose 3 sizes: M, L and Jumbo!

8,50 €

Tra sua duong den - Black sugar milk tea

Signature! Homemade Black sugar milk tea served with tapioca pearls. Lactose free. Cold. Can choose 3 sizes: M, L and Jumbo! The black sugar might not stay on the cup as the picture because of the delivery distance.

8,90 €

Sua tuoi tran chau duong den - Black sugar boba milk

Signature! Homemade Black sugar milk tea served with tapioca pearls. Lactose free. Cold. Can choose 3 sizes: M, L and Jumbo! The black sugar might not stay on the cup as the picture because of the delivery distance.

8,90 €

Tra sua khoai mon - Taro Milk Tea

Taro milk tea served with tapioca pearls. Lactose free. Cold. Can choose 3 sizes: M, L and Jumbo!

8,90 €

Tra sua cafe - coffee Milk Tea

vietnamese coffee milk tea served with tapioca pearls. Lactose free. Cold. Can choose 3 sizes: M, L and Jumbo!

8,90 €

Tra sua Socola - Chocolate Milk Tea

Chocolate milk tea served with tapioca pearls. Lactose free. Cold. Can choose 3 sizes: M, L and Jumbo!

8,90 €

Tra Dao - Peach tea

Best seller! Homemade peach tea served with fruit popping pearls. Lactose free. Cold. L size 700ml.

7,90 €

Tra chanh - Lemon tea

Homemade lemon tea served with fruit popping pearls. Lactose free. Cold. L size 700ml.

7,90 €

Nuoc chanh sa - Lemongrass lemonade

Homemade and fresh lemongrass lemonade. Lactose free. Cold. L size 700ml.

7,90 €

Tra Dua luoi - Melon tea

NEW!! Very fresh! . It’s perfect for those who love melon , included popping boba. Cold. 700ml

7,90 €

SOFT Drink

4,90 €(500 ml, 9,80 €/l)

4,90 €(500 ml, 9,80 €/l)

4,90 €(500 ml, 9,80 €/l)

5,50 €(500 ml, 11,00 €/l)


We will prepare the food for your party. All food will be well packed and decorated. All catering foods need to be scheduled order accordingly to the time described in each dish.

Goi Cuon - Catering Summer Rolls

Mixed flavor of prawn, grilled pork, tofu. 18 pieces. 3 Sauces: peanut sauce, sweet and sour fish sauce, sweet and sour soya sauce. Need to scheduled order at least 1 hours in advance. Note: we use the film to protect the summer-rolls. Please remove when you eat! 😊

49,90 €

Catering Met Emmoi 5 Mon - Emmoi Tray Of 5 Dishes

The best seller with 5 dishes in a tray portion for 4-5 persons. Included: Tam ky chicken salad, prawn and pork springrolls, grilled pork, golden tofu and vermicelli. If you want 100 % gluten free, please request no dried shallot. The rest of ingredients are gluten—free. Need to reserve 45 mins in advance.

129,00 €

Maukkaita aasialaisia annoksia


Piispansilta 10

02230 Espoo

Katso kartta

