A legtöbbet rendelt
Combo 1 (제육&불고기&치킨)
Rántott sertéshús fűszeres szószban, rántott marhahús szójaszószban, sült csirke, 2 rizs, rántott kimchi, kukorica saláta/ Stir-fried pork and vegetable with spicy sauce(Jaeyuk), Stir-fried beef and vegetable, oyster mushrooms in soy sauce (Bulgogi) Freid chicken with Korean chicken sauce (Sweet chili) Stir-fried kimchi, Sweet corn, 2 Rice/ 제육볶음, 불고기, 치킨, 볶음김치, 스위트콘, 밥 두개
7200 Ft
Jaeyuk & Galbi patty (제육&떡갈비)
Jaeyuk & marhahús pogácsa, rizs, rántott kimchi, kukorica saláta/ Stir-fried pork and vegetable with spicy sauce(Jaeyuk), Galbi patties , Stir-fried kimchi, Sweet corn, Rice/ 제육 & 떡갈비, 볶음김치, 스위트콘, 밥
5400 Ft
Csirke Cupbap (치킨마요컵밥)
Rizs, saláta, tükörtojás, sült csirke, majonéz/ Rice, salad, Fried egg, Fried chicken, Mayo sauce/ 치킨, 밥, 샐러드, 계란후라이, 마요소스 + 선택소스
3900 Ft
Kimchi bokkeumbap(김치볶음밥)
Rizs, kimchi, sonka, tükörtojás/ Fried rice with kimchi and ham, Freid egg/ 한국인의 소울푸드 김볶
4100 Ft
Jaeyuk & Bulgogi (제육&불고기)
Rántott sertéshús fűszeres szószban, rántott marhahús szójaszószban, rizs, rántott kimchi, kukorica saláta/ Stir-fried pork and vegetable with spicy sauce(Jaeyuk), Stir-fried beef and vegetable, oyster mushrooms in soy sauce (Bulgogi) Stir-fried kimchi, Sweet corn, Rice/ 제육볶음, 불고기, 김치볶음, 스위트콘, 밥
5400 Ft
Korean Yangnyeom boneless Chicken (순살양념치킨)
Korean Style Fried Boneless chicken with sweet chili sauce. (about 20 pcs) 순살 양념치킨 20 조각 내외
6700 Ft
Jaeyuk & Fried chicken(제육&치킨)
Jaeyuk & sült csirke, rizs, rántott kimchi, kukorica saláta/ Stir-fried pork and vegetable with spicy sauce(Jaeyuk), Fried chicken with Korean chicken sauce (Sweet chili) Stir-fried kimchi, Sweet corn, Rice/ 제육볶음 & 치킨(+양념소스), 볶음김치, 스위트콘, 밥
5400 Ft
Korean old fashioned Cupbap (추억의컵밥)
Rizs, Rántott kimchi, Rántott szárított szardella, Virsli, Hínárpehely, Tükörtojás/ Rice, Stir-fried kimchi, Stir-fried dried anchovies, Big sausage, Seaweed flake, Fried egg/ 밥, 소시지, 멸치볶음, 볶음김치, 김가루, 계란후라이
4400 Ft
Jaeyuk & Pork cutlet (제육&돈까스)
Jaeyuk & sertésszelet, rizs, rántott kimchi, kukorica saláta/ Stir-fried pork and vegetable with spicy sauce(Jaeyuk), Pork cutlet with sauce, Stir-fried kimchi, Sweet corn, Rice/ 제육& 돈까스, 볶음김치, 스위트콘, 밥
5400 Ft
Jaeyuk Dupbap(제육덮밥)
Rizs, rántott sertéshús fűszeres szószban/ Rice, Stir-fried pork and vegetable with spicy sauce/ 맛있는 제육덮밥
4200 Ft
Sertés Cupbap (돈까스컵밥)
Rizs, saláta, tükörtojás, sertésszelet, majonéz / Rice, salad, fried egg, Porcutlet, Mayo sauce / 돈까스, 밥, 샐러드, 계란후라이, 마요소스 + 선택소스
3900 Ft
Fried Boneless Chicken (순살후라이드치킨)
Korean Style Fried Chicken . About 20pcs.
6200 Ft
Combo 2(돈까스&떡갈비&치킨)
Rántott sertéshús fűszeres szószban, rántott marhahús szójaszószban, marhahús pogácsa, 2 rizs, rántott kimchi, kukorica saláta/ Pork cutlet with sauce, Galbi patties, Freid chicken with Korean chicken sauce (Sweet chili)/ 돈까스, 떡갈비, 치킨, 볶음김치, 스위트콘, 밥 두개
7200 Ft
Jaeyuk Dosirak(제육도시락)
Rántott sertéshús fűszeres szószban, rizs, napi köret, rántott kimchi/ Stir-fried pork and vegetable with spicy sauce (Jaeyuk), Daily 2 side dish, Stir-frie kimchi, Sweet corn in mayo sauce, Rice/ 제육볶음, 오늘의 반찬 2종, 볶음김치, 밥. 스위트콘
4800 Ft
Bulgogi Dosirak(불고기도시락)
Rántott marhahús szójaszószban, rizs, napi köret, rántott kimchi/ Stir-fried beef and vegetable , oyster mushrooms in soy sauce (Bulgogi), Daily 2 side dish, Stir-frie kimchi, Sweet corn in mayo sauce, Rice/ 불고기, 오늘의 반찬 2종, 볶음김치, 밥. 스위트콘
4800 Ft
Meal Kits 밀키트 (Uncooked foods)
Jaeyuk Meal kit - 2 person (제육밀키트 2인분)
Uncooked Jaeyuk . ( Pork, vegetable, Mama's Jaeyuk sauce - spicy )
6200 Ft
Bulgogi Meal kit - 2 person (불고기밀키트)
Uncooked Bulgogi Meal kit - Beef, oyster mushrooms, vegetables, Mama's soy sauce
6900 Ft
Galbi patties - 4ps 떡갈비 4입
Uncooked Galbi patties (Grinded beef & pork, Mama's special sauce)
3900 Ft
Main Menu (단품메뉴)
Fried Boneless Chicken (순살후라이드치킨)
Korean Style Fried Chicken . About 20pcs.
6200 Ft
Korean Yangnyeom boneless Chicken (순살양념치킨)
Korean Style Fried Boneless chicken with sweet chili sauce. (about 20 pcs) 순살 양념치킨 20 조각 내외
6700 Ft
Tonhal Cupbap (참치컵밥)
Rizs, saláta, tükörtojás, tonhal, majonéz
3900 Ft
Sertés Cupbap (돈까스컵밥)
Rizs, saláta, tükörtojás, sertésszelet, majonéz / Rice, salad, fried egg, Porcutlet, Mayo sauce / 돈까스, 밥, 샐러드, 계란후라이, 마요소스 + 선택소스
3900 Ft
Sonka Cupbap(햄마요컵밥)
Rizs, saláta, tükörtojás, sonka, majonéz/ Rice, salad, Fried egg, Ham, Mayo sauce/ 햄, 밥, 샐러드, 계란후라이, 마요소스 + 선택소스
3900 Ft
Csirke Cupbap (치킨마요컵밥)
Rizs, saláta, tükörtojás, sült csirke, majonéz/ Rice, salad, Fried egg, Fried chicken, Mayo sauce/ 치킨, 밥, 샐러드, 계란후라이, 마요소스 + 선택소스
3900 Ft
Korean old fashioned Cupbap (추억의컵밥)
Rizs, Rántott kimchi, Rántott szárított szardella, Virsli, Hínárpehely, Tükörtojás/ Rice, Stir-fried kimchi, Stir-fried dried anchovies, Big sausage, Seaweed flake, Fried egg/ 밥, 소시지, 멸치볶음, 볶음김치, 김가루, 계란후라이
4400 Ft
Kimchi Dupbap(김치덮밥)
Rizs, rántott kimchi, tükörtojás, saláta/ Rice, Stir-fried kimchi, Fried egg, Salad/ 밥, 볶음김치, 계란후라이, 샐러드
3900 Ft
Jaeyuk Dupbap(제육덮밥)
Rizs, rántott sertéshús fűszeres szószban/ Rice, Stir-fried pork and vegetable with spicy sauce/ 맛있는 제육덮밥
4200 Ft
Pork cutlet with rice (가츠돈)
Rizs, sertésszelet, párolt tojás szójaszószban Rice, Porkcutlet, Boiled vegetable and egg in soy sauce/ 가츠돈 - 돈까스 덮밥 (양념 : 채소와 계란이 들어간 간장소스)
4200 Ft
Bulgogi Dupbap(불고기덮밥)
Rizs, rántott marhahús szójaszószban Rice, Stir-fried beef and vegetable, oystermushroom with soy sauce. 맛있는 불고기 덮밥
4200 Ft
Kimchi bokkeumbap(김치볶음밥)
Rizs, kimchi, sonka, tükörtojás/ Fried rice with kimchi and ham, Freid egg/ 한국인의 소울푸드 김볶
4100 Ft
Jaeyuk bibimmyeon(제육비빔면)
Tészta fűszeres szósszal, sertéshússal, zöldséggel/ Stir-fried vegetable and grinded pork with spicy sauce on the noodle/ 갈은고기와 채소를 볶은 매콤 비빔면 (별로 안매움-매운걸 원하실 경우 요청사항에 적어주세요)
4100 Ft
Dosirak menü
Jaeyuk Dosirak(제육도시락)
Rántott sertéshús fűszeres szószban, rizs, napi köret, rántott kimchi/ Stir-fried pork and vegetable with spicy sauce (Jaeyuk), Daily 2 side dish, Stir-frie kimchi, Sweet corn in mayo sauce, Rice/ 제육볶음, 오늘의 반찬 2종, 볶음김치, 밥. 스위트콘
4800 Ft
Bulgogi Dosirak(불고기도시락)
Rántott marhahús szójaszószban, rizs, napi köret, rántott kimchi/ Stir-fried beef and vegetable , oyster mushrooms in soy sauce (Bulgogi), Daily 2 side dish, Stir-frie kimchi, Sweet corn in mayo sauce, Rice/ 불고기, 오늘의 반찬 2종, 볶음김치, 밥. 스위트콘
4800 Ft
Pork cutlet Dosirak(돈까스도시락)
Sertésszelet, rizs, napi köret, rántott kimchi/ Pork cutlet with sauce, Daily 2 side dish, Stir-frie kimchi, Sweet corn in mayo sauce, Rice/ 돈까스, 오늘의 반찬 2종, 볶음김치, 밥. 스위트콘
4800 Ft
Galbi patty Dosirak(떡갈비도시락)
Marhahús pogácsa, rizs, napi köret, rántott kimchi/ Galbi patties , Daily 2 side dish, Stir-frie kimchi, Sweet corn in mayo sauce, Rice/ 떡갈비, 오늘의 반찬 2종, 볶음김치, 밥. 스위트콘
4800 Ft
Pork Bulgogi Dosirak (돼지불고기 도시락)
4800 Ft
Jaeyuk & Bulgogi (제육&불고기)
Rántott sertéshús fűszeres szószban, rántott marhahús szójaszószban, rizs, rántott kimchi, kukorica saláta/ Stir-fried pork and vegetable with spicy sauce(Jaeyuk), Stir-fried beef and vegetable, oyster mushrooms in soy sauce (Bulgogi) Stir-fried kimchi, Sweet corn, Rice/ 제육볶음, 불고기, 김치볶음, 스위트콘, 밥
5400 Ft
Jaeyuk & Fried chicken(제육&치킨)
Jaeyuk & sült csirke, rizs, rántott kimchi, kukorica saláta/ Stir-fried pork and vegetable with spicy sauce(Jaeyuk), Fried chicken with Korean chicken sauce (Sweet chili) Stir-fried kimchi, Sweet corn, Rice/ 제육볶음 & 치킨(+양념소스), 볶음김치, 스위트콘, 밥
5400 Ft
Jaeyuk & Galbi patty (제육&떡갈비)
Jaeyuk & marhahús pogácsa, rizs, rántott kimchi, kukorica saláta/ Stir-fried pork and vegetable with spicy sauce(Jaeyuk), Galbi patties , Stir-fried kimchi, Sweet corn, Rice/ 제육 & 떡갈비, 볶음김치, 스위트콘, 밥
5400 Ft
Jaeyuk & Pork cutlet (제육&돈까스)
Jaeyuk & sertésszelet, rizs, rántott kimchi, kukorica saláta/ Stir-fried pork and vegetable with spicy sauce(Jaeyuk), Pork cutlet with sauce, Stir-fried kimchi, Sweet corn, Rice/ 제육& 돈까스, 볶음김치, 스위트콘, 밥
5400 Ft
Bulgogi & Fried chicken (불고기&치킨)
Bulgogi & sült csirke, rizs, rántott kimchi, kukorica saláta/ Stir-fried beef and vegetable, oyster mushrooms in soy sauce (Bulgogi), Fried chicken with Korean chicken sauce (Sweet chili), Stir-fried kimchi, Sweet corn, Rice/ 불고기 & 치킨, 볶음김치, 스위트콘, 밥
5400 Ft
Bulgogi & Pork cutlet (불고기&돈까스)
Bulgogi & sertésszelet, rizs, rántott kimchi, kukorica saláta/ Stir-fried beef and vegetable, oyster mushrooms in soy sauce (Bulgogi), Pork cutlet with sauce Stir-fried kimchi, Sweet corn, Rice/ 불고기&돈까스, 볶음김치, 스위트콘, 밥
5400 Ft
Bulgogi & Galbi patty (불고기&떡갈비)
Bulgogi & marhahús pogácsa, rizs, rántott kimchi, kukorica saláta/ Stir-fried beef and vegetable, oyster mushrooms in soy sauce (Bulgogi), Galbi patties , Stir-fried kimchi, Sweet corn, Rice/ 불고기 & 떡갈비, 볶음김치, 스위트콘, 밥
5400 Ft
Pork cutlet & Galbi patty (돈까스&떡갈비)
Sertésszelet & marhahús pogácsa, rizs, rántott kimchi, kukorica saláta/ Pork cutlet with sauce, Galbi patties , Stir-fried kimchi, Sweet corn, Rice/ 돈까스 & 떡갈비, 볶음김치, 스위트콘, 밥
5400 Ft
Pork cutlet & Fried chicken (돈까스&치킨)
Sertésszelet & sült csirke, rizs, rántott kimchi, kukorica saláta/ Pork cutlet with sauce, Fried chicken with Korean chicken sauce (Sweet chili), Stir-fried kimchi, Sweet corn, Rice/ 돈까스 & 치킨, 볶음김치, 스위트콘, 밥
5400 Ft
Dosirak tál
Combo 1 (제육&불고기&치킨)
Rántott sertéshús fűszeres szószban, rántott marhahús szójaszószban, sült csirke, 2 rizs, rántott kimchi, kukorica saláta/ Stir-fried pork and vegetable with spicy sauce(Jaeyuk), Stir-fried beef and vegetable, oyster mushrooms in soy sauce (Bulgogi) Freid chicken with Korean chicken sauce (Sweet chili) Stir-fried kimchi, Sweet corn, 2 Rice/ 제육볶음, 불고기, 치킨, 볶음김치, 스위트콘, 밥 두개
7200 Ft
Combo 2(돈까스&떡갈비&치킨)
Rántott sertéshús fűszeres szószban, rántott marhahús szójaszószban, marhahús pogácsa, 2 rizs, rántott kimchi, kukorica saláta/ Pork cutlet with sauce, Galbi patties, Freid chicken with Korean chicken sauce (Sweet chili)/ 돈까스, 떡갈비, 치킨, 볶음김치, 스위트콘, 밥 두개
7200 Ft
Napi köret (오늘의 반찬)
2 napi köret ( Minden nap valtoztasd meg )/ 2 side dish ( Every day change )/ 오늘의 반찬 2종 ( 매일 바뀝니다. )
600 Ft
Stir-fried kimchi (볶음김치) 150g
rántott kimchi/ Stir-fried kimchi 볶음김치
900 Ft
Rice (공기밥추가)
700 Ft
Coca Cola (330ml)
950 Ft
Coca Cola zero (330ml)
950 Ft
Fanta (330ml)
950 Ft
sprite (330ml)
950 Ft
Still water (500ml)
700 Ft
Sparkling water (500ml)
700 Ft