Commonly known as Croton, Codiaeum are characterised by their unique, exotic, leathery leaves of spectacular colour, ranging across warm pinks, creams, yellows, oranges and greens. The superb markings on the leaves are the main focal point. This plant filters airborne toxins and is part of our clean air plant collection. Croton sap is poisonous. Keep plants away from children and pets and take care when handling. Wear gloves and rinse immediately if the sap gets onto your skin.
Light: Your Croton Petra will do best in a bright spot, as it needs lots of light (if possible 4-6 hrs. Per day) to produce all those colourful leaves! If your croton does not get enough light, you might find the plant grows tall and lanky with spare leaves lacking the rich, dark hues.
Water: Water when the top 25%-50% of the soil is dry. Water until liquid flows through the drainage hole at the bottom of the pot and discard any water that has accumulated in the saucer.
Humidity: Crotons appreciate a generous amount of humidity. You can boost the humidity by misting the leaves, placing a humidifier nearby, or adding a pebble tray.
Temperature: Ideal temperatures are 16-24°C. Keep your Croton Petra away from drafts and cold areas like a windowpane in the winter.
Fertilization: For best results, use a general houseplant fertilizer once in early spring, once in early summer, and again in mid-summer. Do not feed in the fall or winter.
Additional care: Don’t panic if your plant drops a few leaves upon arrival. Generally, the Croton Petra does not like to be moved, so a few falling leaves within a week doesn’t mean you are doing anything wrong. Make sure you follow the water and light guidelines and, with a little TLC, before you know it you will have fresh, tender leaves that will soon mature to their full, blazing glory!
Size: ~ 30 cm height, 12 cm diamater