希少性の高い逸品の金ごまに、在来品種の大豆と選び抜かれた日本近海の澄んだ海水から取出した天然にがりで寄せました。金ごまはごま本来の旨味やコクが強く、香りも他より抜きでて高く、濃厚な味わいが特徴の品種となっております。ぜひお試しください。 お好みで添付の藻塩をかけてお召し上がり下さい。
Rare gold sesame is combined with native soybeans and natural bittern extracted from the clear seawater of Japan's coastal waters. Gold sesame has a strong umami and richness inherent in sesame, and is characterized by a rich flavor that is far superior to other varieties. Please try it. If you like, sprinkle the attached seaweed salt over it and enjoy.
about 180g
*The photograph is an image.
*This product is limited in number. We allow up to 2 pieces per order per person. We appreciate your understanding.
*We do not use preservatives at all, so please enjoy it as soon as possible regardless of whether it is opened or not.