How Oral chooses restaurant business, rather than oil


11 мамыр 2023



A story of Ulan ('Barrel' gastrobar and 'Tipa Graf' cafe) and Zhanserik (express-coffeeshop 'GRANO COFFEE')

“Moms are not proud of waiters,” says Ulan Baldakhov, co-owner of Barrel and the Tipa Graf family cafe. Most of the men here work in production by shift. A manager's position – or at least a civil service job – is considered a successful career. Owning a restaurant is childish. However young people understand that exactly this represents the life of the city; its heart and economy. Not oil or gas that will run out one day. Zhanserik Almanov is the embodiment of the Oral dream. He already has an IT specialist job in the office, a dust-free job from 9 to 6, with a good social package. But at some point, this was not enough. Setting up a corporate mail is unlikely to contribute to entrepreneurial, and therefore, creative self-realization.

Read the stories of Ulan and Zhanserik ⬆️