Sex toys are not refundable unless they are damaged upon receiving while being delivered/shipped. In that case, please take images of the products while receiving post and send an email within 2days from receiving your item to This is for the health, safety and peace of mind of our customers.Any item that is designed to come into contact with any body part or fluid is non-returnable and resaleable. Once these items leave our warehouse, they are considered used, and therefore cannot be returned. Lubes, massage oils, condoms, and body paints are also not returnable.
Luxurious set of vibrating and non-vibrating kegelballs. This set contains a rechargeable kegel ball with battery operated remote control plus 2 extra regular love balls with moving weights inside. Different balls with different shapes, perfect to train your pelvic floor and enhance sexual pleasure. Start with the balls which are the easiest to hold and start exercising a few minutes a day. Then expand the duration and change balls to the more difficult to hold size.