Toto menu je v čeština. Prajete si zobraziť preklad od robota v inom jazyku?
Niekde nastala neočakávaná chyba 😕
Veľmi nás to mrzí, ale stalo sa niečo nečakané a nevyšlo to podľa plánov 😔 Mohli by ste to skúsiť znova, prosím?
Our philosophy is simple: to offer great food made with pure ingredients that you deserve.
Toto menu je v čeština. Prajete si zobraziť preklad od robota v inom jazyku?
In our kitchen, we combine simplicity and quality ingredients with a passion for great taste. The menu is made up of natural ingredients, supporting a healthy lifestyle. No gluten, no artificial ingredients, no artificial flavours, no semi-finished products or solidified fats. Our dedication to honest cooking and pure ingredients is reflected in the exceptional dishes you deserve
Pondelok | 08:00–15:30 |
Utorok | 08:00–15:30 |
Streda | 08:00–15:30 |
Štvrtok | 08:00–15:30 |
Piatok | 08:00–15:30 |
Sobota | Zatvorené |
Nedeľa | Zatvorené |