Toto menu je v čeština. Prajete si zobraziť preklad od robota v inom jazyku?
Niekde nastala neočakávaná chyba 😕
Veľmi nás to mrzí, ale stalo sa niečo nečakané a nevyšlo to podľa plánov 😔 Mohli by ste to skúsiť znova, prosím?
Koštovna U Počtů is a wine pub where tradition, comfort, friendly atmosphere and great wine are combined. It is the work of people who do not play at anything, people who love good wine and everything that goes with it
Toto menu je v čeština. Prajete si zobraziť preklad od robota v inom jazyku?
Koštovna U Počtů is a wine pub where tradition, comfort, friendly atmosphere and great wine are combined. It is the work of people who do not play at anything, people who love good wine and everything that goes with it
Pondelok | 15:00–22:45 |
Utorok | 14:00–22:45 |
Streda | 13:00–22:45 |
Štvrtok | 14:00–22:45 |
Piatok | 14:00–22:45 |
Sobota | 15:00–22:45 |
Nedeľa | 15:00–22:45 |