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Niekde nastala neočakávaná chyba 😕
Veľmi nás to mrzí, ale stalo sa niečo nečakané a nevyšlo to podľa plánov 😔 Mohli by ste to skúsiť znova, prosím?
Our international team of chefs combines the best of the world's cuisines, from Italian pinsa to fine-tuned Czech classics and exotic Indian cuisine.
Toto menu je v čeština. Prajete si zobraziť preklad od robota v inom jazyku?
POP UP from Zátiší is a revolutionary concept that combines top-notch gastronomy with the speed of fast food. Additionally, it offers a selection of the best cocktails, akin to those from top world bars, and a relaxed atmosphere. The menu takes you through a wide spectrum of flavors, from traditional Czech dishes to unique culinary creations and exotic Indian cuisine.
Pondelok | 11:00–13:30 |
Utorok | 11:00–20:30 |
Streda | 11:00–20:30 |
Štvrtok | 11:00–20:30 |
Piatok | 11:00–20:30 |
Sobota | 11:00–20:30 |
Nedeľa | 11:00–14:30 |