Stivenson je napisao Ostrvo s blagom kad je video da njegov nećak vodenim bojama slika mapu ostrva. Počeo je da smiscaron;lja imena za ostrvo: Ostrvo kostura, Brdo Durbin, dok naposletku nije, u gornjem desnom uglu stranice, napisao bdquo;Ostrvo s blagomldquo;.
Posle duge bolesti (bdquo;četrnaest godina ni jednog jedinog dana nisam bio zdravldquo;, napisao je), umro je na ostrvu Upolu u južnom Pacifiku, gde je u to doba živeo.
Scaron;ta mislite, je li nascaron;ao blago na tom ostrvu?
Stevenson wrote Treasure Island when he saw his nephew use watercolours to paint the map of an island. He began to give the island names: Skeleton Island or Spyglass Hill, until finaly writing bdquo;Treasure Islandldquo; in the upper right-hand part of the page.
After a long illnes (bdquo;for fourteen years I have not know a single day of healthldquo; he wrote), he died on the Island of Upolu, in the South Pacific, where he was livin at the time.
Do you think he found his treasure on the island?nbsp;